
1. **促进肠胃蠕动**:冰糖蒸大蒜能有效地促进肠胃蠕动,对于预防和治疗腹泻、改善消化不良有积极作用。

2. **杀菌消炎**:大蒜中含有丰富的天然抗生素成分,能够杀死感染的细菌和病毒,冰糖蒸制后能更好地发挥这一功效。

3. **止咳化痰**:冰糖本身具有生津润肺、清热解毒、止咳化痰的作用,而大蒜的杀菌消炎作用与冰糖结合后,对于治疗肺部疾病、上呼吸道感染等呼吸道疾病有很好的辅助治疗效果。

4. **清热解毒**:冰糖蒸大蒜可以清除体内毒素,降低体内炎症反应,有助于修复受伤组织。


5. **健脾胃**:蒸制后的大蒜口感温和,更容易被消化吸收,同时还能促进肠胃蠕动,有助于消化吸收和排泄废物。

6. **改善口臭**:大蒜和冰糖可以中和口腔里的细菌,改善口臭问题。

7. **降低血脂**:大蒜含有较多的硫化物,能促进脂肪酸分解代谢,有助于降低胆固醇和三酰甘油水平,对预防心血管疾病有一定作用。

8. **改善睡眠**:大蒜中的某些成分有助于调节神经系统,具有舒缓神经的效果,有助于改善睡眠质量。

9. **提高免疫力**:冰糖蒸大蒜有助于提高人体免疫力,预防细胞发生病变,具有一定的防癌、抗癌作用。

10. **抗衰老**:大蒜中的大蒜素具有极强的抗氧化作用,与冰糖搭配食用,能有效延缓细胞被氧化衰老的速度。



1. **滋补养生**:莲蓬子性平、味甘涩,入心、脾、肾经,具有补脾止泻、益肾涩精、养心安神的功效。对于脾虚久泻、遗精带下、心悸失眠等病症有良好的治疗作用。


2. **降血压**:莲蓬子中含有非结晶形生物碱N-9,这种物质具有显著的降血压作用。

3. **滋养补虚、止遗涩精**:对于久病、产后或老年体虚者,莲蓬子是很好的营养补品。莲子碱有平抑性欲的作用,对于青年人梦多、遗精频繁或滑精者,有良好的止遗涩精效果。


4. **强心安神**:莲蓬子芯含有莲心碱、异莲心碱等多种生物碱,具有清热泻火、强心的作用,能够扩张外周血管,降低血压,并有助于治疗口舌生疮和改善睡眠。


5. **防癌抗癌**:莲蓬子能够补五脏不足,通利十二经脉气血,莲子所含氧化黄心树宁碱对鼻咽癌有抑制作用。

6. **改善消化系统**:莲蓬子中的营养成分有助于治疗神经衰弱、慢性胃炎、消化不良、高血压等病症。

7. **美容养颜**:莲蓬子中的花青素具有抗氧化功效,能够延缓皮肤衰老,起到美白皮肤的作用。

8. **其他功效**:莲蓬子还能治疗失眠多梦、流鼻血等症状,以及产后胎衣不下、瘀血腹痛、崩漏带下、子宫出血等。



1. **息风止痉**:天麻具有息风止痉的功效,对于治疗因肝风内动引起的头痛、眩晕、抽搐等症状有很好的效果。

2. **平肝潜阳**:天麻可以帮助平抑肝阳,适用于肝阳上亢导致的症状,如高血压、失眠、烦躁等。

3. **祛风通络**:天麻有祛风通络的作用,对于风湿痹痛、手足麻木、口眼歪斜等症状有一定的缓解作用。


4. **治疗中风偏瘫**:天麻可以用于治疗中风偏瘫,有助于恢复肢体功能。

5. **降压、祛风止痛**:根据临床药理研究,天麻具有降压、祛风止痛的作用,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **改善神经衰弱、失眠**:天麻对于神经衰弱、失眠等有很好的治疗效果,有助于改善睡眠质量。

7. **增强免疫力**:天麻中含有多种有效成分,具有一定的免疫调节作用。

8. **搭配肉类营养互补**:天麻炖肉时通常会选择猪肉、鸡肉等肉类,这些肉类富含蛋白质、脂肪、维生素和矿物质,与天麻搭配食用,可以使营养更加均衡。

9. **制作简单,食用方便**:天麻炖肉的制作方法简单,易于操作,适合家庭日常食用。

10. **适应人群广泛**:天麻炖肉适合大多数人群食用,尤其是需要调理身体、增强体质的人群。



1. **固精缩尿**:金樱根具有固精缩尿的作用,对于遗精、滑精、遗尿、尿频等症状有很好的治疗效果。肾主生殖,藏精,金樱根通过固精缩尿,有助于改善肾虚引起的相关问题。

2. **涩肠止泻**:金樱根有收敛止泻、消炎、杀菌、抗病毒等功效,对腹泻、痢疾、肠炎等胃肠道疾病有良好的治疗效果,尤其是脾肾阳虚导致的腹泻。

3. **固崩止带**:金樱根对白带过多、崩漏等症状有治疗作用,可以与芡实等药材搭配使用,增强止带效果。


4. **活血解毒**:金樱根具有消肿止痛、活血化瘀的功效,可用于疖毒初起、烧烫伤、跌打损伤等,能有效收敛止痛、杀菌消炎,防止伤处感染。


5. **抗衰老**:金樱根具有抗衰老、增强免疫力的功效,对提高人体健康水平有积极作用。

6. **治疗急性阑尾炎和细菌性痢疾**:金樱根在临床上也被广泛用于治疗急性阑尾炎、细菌性痢疾等疾病。

7. **治疗子宫下垂**:金樱根对于子宫下垂、脱肛等疾病有较好的治疗效果。


8. **收敛止痛**:金樱根具有明显止痛作用,可用于牙痛、头痛、胃痛等常见疾病。

9. **外用**:金樱根可煎汤外敷或捣碎外敷,对烧烫伤、跌打损伤等有良好的治疗作用。



1. **增强疗效**:药合中的药物可以相互协同,发挥各自的最大药效。例如,将具有补气作用的药物与具有养血作用的药物合用,可以增强补益效果。

2. **降低副作用**:某些药物单独使用时可能产生副作用,但与其他药物合用后,这些副作用可能会得到缓解或消除。如生姜与芍药合用,生姜温中散寒,芍药养血柔肝,二者合用可以减少芍药寒凉之性对脾胃的刺激。

3. **扩大治疗范围**:药合可以使药物的治疗范围更广,适应症更多。例如,参芪炖乌鸡这道药膳,党参、黄芪补中益气,乌鸡养阴退热,二者合用适用于产后虚弱、腰膝酸软等症状。


4. **调节阴阳平衡**:药合可以调节人体阴阳平衡,达到治疗疾病的目的。如生姜合芍方,生姜辛温,芍药酸苦,二者合用可以调和阴阳,达到调和气血、疏肝解郁的效果。

5. **提高患者生活质量**:药合在治疗疾病的同时,还可以提高患者的生活质量。如北芪党参炖乌鸡,乌鸡性味甘平,有养阴退热、补益肝肾的作用,适用于腰膝酸软、四肢乏力等症状。

6. **适应不同体质**:药合可以根据患者的体质差异进行个性化用药。如NMN(烟酰胺单核苷酸)作为一种抗衰老物质,对于不同年龄、不同体质的人群都有一定的适应范围。




1. **蛋白质互补**:黑豆和红腰豆都是优质的植物蛋白来源。黑豆含有18种氨基酸,特别是人体必需的8种氨基酸,而红腰豆也含有丰富的蛋白质。两者同煮可以相互补充,提高蛋白质的吸收利用率。


2. **营养均衡**:黑豆具有滋肾补肾、补血明目之功效,富含多种矿物质如钙、磷、铁等,以及胡萝卜素、维生素B1、B2、B12等营养素。红腰豆则富含膳食纤维、钾元素等,两者同煮可以使营养更加均衡。


3. **利水消肿**:红腰豆具有利水消肿的作用,可以帮助身体排除多余水分,对于水肿有一定的缓解作用。

4. **抗衰老**:黑豆中含有丰富的抗氧化物质如花青素、维生素E等,可以帮助清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。

5. **促进消化**:黑豆和红腰豆都容易消化,适合脾胃虚弱的人群食用,有助于改善消化功能。

6. **补血养颜**:黑豆和红腰豆都具有补血的功效,对于血虚、面色苍白的人群有一定的改善作用。


7. **增强免疫力**:两者都含有丰富的营养素,可以增强机体的免疫力,提高抗病能力。


"Yuan Qing, since you want to die, I will become you." Bai Ying’s death hole is Baiyun, and now the black ape is coming to make trouble. How could this happen to her?

If it’s a face-to-face battle, even if the black ape loses, it can’t be done by Bai Ying so easily.
Nine times out of ten, he will return to his lair alive.
However, who can know the unknown before?
After being angered by Yang Guang, the black ape directly gave his back to the show strength, which is stronger than his enemy. What is this not death?
"Hum makes a winner, princes lose, thieves lose, but I, Yuan Qing, will never compete with human beings." The black ape capsized in the gutter this time with Yang Guang as a variable.
Without Yang Guang, the five demon soldiers of the male tiger would not die physically, and when he faced Bai Ying, he would not expose his death hole to the other side to attack.
"Stubborn" directly regarded the provocative and disdainful words of the black ape by Bai Ying.
Former Yang Guang is still thinking that he should kill the black ape like Bai Ying together. Not now.
Because when the black ape was seriously injured and could not move, Bai Ying struck the iron while it was hot and scratched the black ape’s head.
You can’t die again
Didn’t even give me a chance to say my last words.
Black ape, it’s too bad for him to die. It’s too wrong for him to open a demon general monster beast to die so tragically.
Didn’t even make half of its own strength, so it died.
But people can’t come back to life after death, and black apes don’t have the ability to turn back time.
What else can I do?
He can’t even die unsatisfied. After all, he has no head and was caught by Bai Ying’s huge claws, so he is not closing his eyes.
Yu Yaodan?
Not worried
This black ape demon Dan was not born in his head but in his chest and abdomen.
Chapter two hundred and ten Kill the ape and seize the treasure
Black apes have gone up in smoke for nearly a hundred years.
Even the body is protected by law.
In this law of the jungle monster, there is no concept of burial. Once he dies, nothing valuable will be kept, especially as the demon will almost be a treasure.
Black ape flesh and blood are precious, fur is precious.
Even thick tendons can be made into weapons.
What’s more, where is the most valuable demon Dan?
Even Bai Ying is quite jealous.
"poof!" Bai Ying directly inserted his claws into the chest and abdomen of the black ape and took out a pill the size of a fist from the inside. This is the so-called black ape demon Dan, but the essence of the demon-level black ape body is in it.
At this moment, Bai Ying couldn’t help smiling, because this thing is very powerful. If she wants her son to swallow the demon and digest the demon Dan, then he will soon be able to break through to the realm of the demon.
That is a new level of life.
And their mother and son are completely possessed of the money to settle down. Generally speaking, there will not be two third-order animals in a territory.
Most of them choose to stand on their own feet
Yang Guangbai, since one thing has solved the black ape thing so quickly, then the next thing will be avoided
Sure enough, Bai Ying still said, "What do you think of Yuan Qing?"
"Huh?" Yang guang heard Bai ying one leng, because his former counterpart would ask himself why he came here, and more importantly, Yang guang was beyond imagination.
But Yang Guang didn’t think that Bering had asked an ambiguous question.
What is this?
"It’s pretty bad," Yang Guang casually said, and then added, "However, it’s still not as bad as Tiger King’s predecessors."
"Ha ha" Bai Ying smiled.
Even if she doesn’t turn into a human figure but a white tiger, she can see that she looks happy.
However, for a moment, she said to herself, "When I first came to this site, I was rejected by the monsters here. This black ape once came to find fault with me, but he was not very strong, or I was lucky not to be besieged by him."
In Fiona Fang, Baili is not only a black ape with a third-order animal, but also other creatures. If the black ape could contact other demon generals at that time, Bai Ying would probably get cold.
Maybe it’s really a strange land.
The most dangerous time was when the black ape invited two primary demons to pin down the siege of Bai Ying in the future. Later, Yuan Qing didn’t come to harass because he was scared by Bai Ying
How to be afraid?
Nature is because Bai Ying has to be a black ape even at the risk of serious injury.
What black ape is afraid of?

Xiao pang stared at one of the skinny monks and gritted his teeth and said

Cold ghost smiled slightly. "Teacher younger brother, it’s really beyond my expectation that you can find this place first …"
Cold ghost (turn away smile shook his head. "But everything you do is in vain. I’m just making a wedding dress! It’s a little tender for you to argue! "
"Brother, the patriarch has a life. Whoever gets the yellow map will win. You have lost this competition with me!" Xiao pang Shen Dao
There was an exclamation in the crowd when they heard the words’ Yellow Earth’.
This famous device of shocking the Emperor has been following the Emperor of Ghost for many years, even if it falls into the realm, it is a rare treasure!
Even Xu Cheng, Situ Shi and Nie Hao all passed a crush in their eyes.
Leng Ming shook his head and his eyes were full of mockery. "Younger brother, you are still so naive that you didn’t sacrifice and refine your life. This yellow picture is the main object. I can naturally grab it!"
Chapter six hundred and ninety-nine Small role?
There’s a lot of noise here. There are already many monks coming here nearby
Master Stuart frowned slightly and said, "Solve this matter as soon as possible, and don’t be fooled by others!"
Leng Ming nodded and stared at Xiao Pang with faint eyes and said slowly, "Brother, don’t say that I don’t talk about the same family. I’ll give you two ways to choose!"
"The first way to hand over the yellow figure and all the treasures in the tomb, I will spare your life! The second way … "
"Needless to say!"
Cold ghost words were interrupted by Xiao Pang before they were finished.
Xiaopang clenched his fists and said slowly, "I will never give you the yellow map!" "
This is why he risked great danger to find it by his own business and gave it to Leng Ming!
"Good good!"
Leng Ming nodded, and a murderous cold road appeared in his eyes. "This is your own choice, so don’t blame me for being unkind!"
Xiao pang pulled out the flying sword from the bag with a firm face and no fear.
Leng Ming’s eyes rolled in Su Mo’s eyes, and others flashed thick mockery and sneered. "I have to say that you really grew up and know how to find help, which really impressed me."
"But these three or two people and some beasts are what you rely on?"
Hearing the word "beast", the eyes of monkeys and others reveal a trace of anger and cruelty.
Linghu’s face is murderous, and his face is not good. He stares at Leng Ming. Hey, hey, he laughs. "You’d better run quickly for a while, little bamboo pole. Don’t be caught by you, tiger, or else … Hum!"
Leng Ming chuckled and asked, "You won’t be naive to compete with me with such a few small roles, will you?"
"Small role?"
Xiao pang also laughed.
There are nine of them except monkey, linghu, qingqing, fox and golden lion. Which of the other four is a minor role?
He is the true brother of the tomb clan
Shi Jian is the puppet’s true brother.
Lin Xuanji is a member of Xuanji Palace!
Although Su Mo is a sect now, I’m afraid no one dares to say that he is a small role in this ancient battlefield!
Don’t say don’t just move out the words’ Su Mo’, I’m afraid it will scare a group of people to death!
"Why don’t you believe it?"
Leng Ming laughed. "In this case, before I die, let me introduce you well. A few real tianjiao in the wild mainland will make you die white!"
"This is Master Stuart, the true brother of the Cult-refining Sect."
Stuart looked at Shi Jian with cold eyes as if he were looking at a dead man.
Shi Jian whispered, "Give this person to me later!"
Lin Xuanji Trail: "Although this man has not cultivated the vision of then, his means are not weak, and the three-foot-high-profile corpse behind him has already evolved into a silver corpse."
There are several levels of corpse refining teaching. The lowest level is the weakest corpse, which will be easily chopped by sword, fire and water.
Followed by the iron body and then the copper body.
Normally, refining resin teaches then real people to manipulate copper resin.
A bronze corpse is a silver corpse!
Leng Ming pointed to another person and smiled leisurely. "This Taoist friend is a mixed-yuan Zong Niehao!"
"Mixed with Yuan Zong?"


Knocking at the door rang and Qin Yu turned around and shouted "Enter!"
Through the war, we pushed the door and came in and said concisely, "Ucg just called over there and their brigade has cleaned up the roads along Jiangzhou. Our troops can pass quickly."
Qin Yu pondered and asked, "Who are you going to let go first?"
"Ruan brigade, let them start first." After a pause in the war, he said, "I’ll go there if the main force and logistics force leave early tomorrow."
"Ok, that’s settled. Let Ruan go first."
"Good!" Leave after nodding through the war.
About two hours later, the town
Dachuan looked at Ai Tanke with his teeth and said, "Brother, as a soldier, he is either preparing to fight or going to fight … There is nothing anyone can do about it. Don’t panic. You can save yourself every time with the help of your ancestors!"
Ai Tanks was very concerned about Dachuan’s mouth and said, "Bless my ass, your ancestors are really not so good. If there is a war in Sichuan, you can be chosen …"
"Come on, stop dawdling and be a man!" Dachuan stretched out his hand and touched the face of Ai Tanks. "Don’t worry, take good care of the children. It is estimated that I will be back in three to five months."
"You pay attention to Ann," Ai Tanke whispered. "Take care of my eldest brother and them, too."
"Well" okawa nodded.
Before the Sichuan government sent troops, relatives of soldiers came to the camp to express their condolences and bid farewell. Ai Tanke, who was clumsy, also knitted a sweater vest for Dachuan. The warm atmosphere was full of sadness before leaving.
A helicopter came from the northeast and stopped at the prescribed landing site.
Woody came in a hurry with three men.
Mr. Qin’s personal guard car rushed to the scene to inspect the car and smiled and waved "this way!"
Wu Diwen immediately went over and the man next to him looked around and muttered, "… Chuanfu is really different now!"
Chapter DiYiSiQi Jiang Xiaolong
Cha Meng galloped all the way through the barracks and soon came to the war headquarters.
Qin Yu let go of the boss and met Wu Di in the reception room. After a few commonplaces, Qin Yu discovered that the latter was followed by three people he had never seen before.
"Who are these three …?"
"Ah, let me introduce you to a" Wu Di immediately asked the body to pull a man in his thirties and said, "This is Jiang Xiaolong. I … I have a new friend. He has a wide network of contacts, and two of them are his assistants."
Qin Yuwen looked at this Jiang Xiaolong, who was about one meter tall and shaved with crew cut. Although he looked at his age, he was very handsome. He wore a black-rimmed glasses and had a yuppie taste.
Jiang Xiaolong has a very obvious external sign, that is, he may be a little bald, with exquisite short hair, half of which are gray as if stained with milk putty, and he looks like a very manly man. From the outside, he is a very attractive man, a bit like a girl who was crazy about uncle years ago, or mature love rat for short.
"Hello, Mr. Jiang!"
"Hello, Mr. Qin." Jiang Xiaolong shook hands with Qin Yu in a relaxed posture.
"Come on, let’s talk!" Wu Di called a.
"Please sit down!" Qin Yu echoed the first to sit in the center of the sofa.
After everyone was seated, Wu Di took the lead in saying, "It’s a good thing to come with Xiaolong today!"
"What a good thing" Qin Yu asked.
"You tell me?" Wu Di turned to look at Jiang Xiaolong and asked.
"Ha ha!" Jiang Xiaolong nodded his head and looked at Qin Yu with his hands freely and said, "Well, Mr. Qin, I have a little special resources in my hand now and I want to see if you are interested."
"What resources?" Qin yuwen
"Fengbei Commercial Group Relocates Resources" Jiang Xiaolong Kan Kan talks about "The war is coming soon, and many top enterprises in Fengbei City are shivering now … I don’t know how long this war will take, but there is no doubt that the most injured is that the top commercial enterprises will block the road in the main city and block the goods without circulation, so there is no way to circulate money in Canada … There are many commercial enterprises that have been too close to Shen Sha Group before, and in case Shen Sha really falls, these people are likely to kill pigs in He Feng and other forces … Everyone wants to find a home"
Qin Yu smiled. "You mean someone wants to come to Sichuan?"
"Mr. Qin is really wise. It’s just haha!" Jiang Xiaolong smiled. "Today, the Sichuan government is very stable, and there are areas around it. Many people think this place is a blessed place. If Mr. Qin can ignore these enterprises that once belonged to hostile forces … then they also want to come here for development."
"Why not go to the district?" Qin Yu asked with a smile
"The district has no chance for them," Jiang Xiaolong replied logically and clearly. "When Governor Gu took the stage, it was not short, and the commercial discs in the district were all divided. These people had no opportunities and prospects in the past, but Sichuan government is different. It is in a developing stage and has a big future … These people still think it is better here. Of course, if you don’t agree, the district may be a secondary choice for these people."
Qin Yu heard this, and his heart was in vain. Jiang Xiaolong should be a war money broker, and he is the kind that is fine.
"If you are interested here, I can help you connect," Jiang Xiaolong added.
"Of course I’m interested," Qin Yu replied without hesitation. "This is a group of people who can bring money to the Sichuan government. I welcome them with both hands."
"If that’s the case, it’s half done." Jiang Xiaolong’s way of speaking is the kind that makes people feel comfortable. His tone is stable, and he can make things clear and intentionally hold Qin Yu. "But these guys still need Mr. Qin to give them some help before coming."
"How can I help?" Qin yuwen
"Now, in the north, martial law has been imposed outside the city, and it is not so easy for hundreds of Shen Sha Tuan troops to evacuate." Jiang Xiaolong rubbed his hands and said, "This thing is divided into two schemes. If the Shen Sha Tuan collapses, you Qin teachers will exert their energy to let He Feng and other forces not protect these names too soon and send troops to pick them up! Secondly, if Shen Sha Tuan gets away with it, these guys are not going to stay in Fengbei for a long time. Because the country is undecided, a war will not be too far away, and they will slowly clean up their assets and transfer them to Chuanfu. "
Qin Yu thought about "this is no problem, Sichuan government can do it"
"Hehe, it’s easier to talk to Mr. Qin. You have fully understood what I mean before I finish my speech." Jiang Xiaolong licked it again. "So if you don’t have any objections, I’ll fuck here?"
"Can I ask those companies that want to come?" Qin Yu suddenly asked 1
"I can’t say that!" Jiang Xiaolong immediately waved his hand. "There are two reasons. The first thing is that I have to protect the privacy of my guests before it is officially settled. The second thing is that I have told you all the bottom … Then I am not gone. Haha!"

After a while, the two of them jumped out to see the ghost hanging in the street, and there was no trace of it.

"It’s a pity that he got away!"
Yu Guihai sighed.
He seems to have taken advantage of this war, but in fact his weakness is very obvious
That is, repairing too low energy can not blow up the ghost several times, but it can not cause decisive damage.
Of course, this is also the ghost’s strength is too strong. Don’t say that the shadow force is far more difficult than being killed by him.
And if it’s against human fighters, he can leapfrog over.
But Yu Guihai is not satisfied.
Because his enemies are mainly ghosts.
"It seems that it is necessary to promote the concept of mysticism as soon as possible." He silently said in his heart.
At this time, there were noisy people in Yufu, and it was the last short-term war that shocked them
"Son, let’s go back first," Zhao Yun said. They still need to go back and clean up the mess in the house.
"hmm!" Yu Guihai nodded and followed his mother back to the house.
"Ow ~ ~ ~ ~"
"Burst ~ ~ ~"
A black shadow screamed and rushed from a distance and condensed into a bowl in the pond. The thick black snake rushed towards the pond and splashed huge water.
In the spray, you can see a giant snake clinging to a human body. His body is twisted and deformed by strangulation, and his face is full of pain and fear.
Going ~ ~ ~
The pond churned for a long time!
Suddenly, half of the snake body rises from the water, and the scarlet vertical pupil is cold and looks at the direction where Yu Fu is.
"Yu Guihai!" There is a bone-chilling hatred in the tone!
Then the snake rolled into the water and quickly disappeared.
After the sky brightened, I returned to the sea and lay a line of bodies in front of the front yard.
These bodies are covered with gray and black lines, all of which were killed by shadow snakes last night. Because of the short time, the shadow snakes did not drain their flesh and blood.
There are many guards and people around, one by one, looking pale with fear and panic. Many people seem to have other plans in their eyes.
"Give these people three times the pension for their families!" Yu guihai light way
"yes! Master "steward Yu Zecheng somberly answer.
Then suddenly someone came out and asked, "I have something to ask young master!" "
This man is dressed as the captain of the guard, with five big and three thick looks, and he is full of vitality.
"Li Yunhu, what are you doing? How bold! " Yu Zecheng said Shirley scold a way
"I just want to ask a question when I am in charge. I won’t let it go!" Li Yunhu said with a smile on his face.
"say it!"
Yu Guihai light swept his one eye way
"Were these people killed by ghosts last night?" Li Yunhu immediately asked
When he asked this question, people around him immediately buzzed, which was exactly what everyone was worried about.
Monsters and monsters have always been feared by people. Who is not afraid of these people? If Yu Fu recruits ghosts to attack them, they will surely disperse in a hubbub and never dare to stay longer.
Yu Guihai scanned a circle and saw these people’s faces in their eyes and knew what they were thinking.
Yu Fu can’t mess around at this time, otherwise there will be a few army of one in his family. What else can I do?
"Nothing! Last night, there was a thief poisoning these people and they died of poisoning. Think about it. Killing people with ghosts will definitely devour flesh and blood. How can these people have flesh and blood left? "
"And if the ghost really comes, do you think it will let you go?"
Yu Gui sea color indifferently explained.
Everyone heard the news and talked about it again, but this time they were relieved and not so afraid!
"I don’t believe it!"
Li Yunhu suddenly shouted, "There was a ghost last night."
"Hum! Looking for death! "