
1. **清热解毒**:菊花具有清热解毒的作用,菊蜜继承了这一特性,适用于缓解因热病引起的咽喉痛、口干舌燥等症状。

2. **养肝明目**:菊花有养肝明目的作用,对于用眼过度、视力疲劳等有一定的缓解作用。

3. **抗菌消炎**:菊蜜中含有丰富的抗菌成分,对于一些轻微的皮肤炎症、口腔溃疡等有一定的消炎作用。

4. **抗氧化**:菊蜜中富含多种维生素和矿物质,具有很好的抗氧化作用,可以帮助抵抗自由基,延缓衰老。


5. **润肺止咳**:对于秋季干燥引起的咳嗽、喉咙不适等症状,菊蜜有一定的润肺止咳作用。

6. **调节肠胃**:菊蜜能够帮助调节肠胃功能,对于消化不良、胃痛等症状有一定的缓解作用。

7. **提高免疫力**:菊蜜中的营养成分可以增强人体的免疫力,有助于抵抗疾病。

8. **改善睡眠**:菊蜜中的某些成分具有安神作用,可以帮助改善睡眠质量。




1. **丰富的蛋白质和必需氨基酸**:海鳗鱼肉质鲜美,蛋白质含量高,且含有多种必需氨基酸,有助于维持肌肉和组织的健康,增强身体免疫力。


2. **不饱和脂肪酸**:海鳗鱼含有较高比例的长链多不饱和脂肪酸EPA(二十碳五烯酸)和DHA(二十二碳六烯酸),这些成分被称为“脑黄金”,对心血管健康非常有益。EPA和DHA可以帮助降低血脂、抗动脉硬化、抗血栓,同时还能为大脑提供必要的营养素。

3. **促进大脑发育和预防老年痴呆症**:DHA对于儿童和青少年的大脑发育至关重要,能够增强记忆力。同时,对于老年人,DHA有助于预防大脑功能衰退和老年痴呆症。

4. **养颜美容**:海鳗鱼的皮肉含有丰富的胶原蛋白,这种物质有助于美容养颜,延缓衰老,被一些人称为“可吃的化妆品”。

5. **预防骨质疏松**:海鳗鱼含有大量的钙质,能够帮助预防骨质疏松,增加血钙值,维护骨骼健康。

6. **增强免疫力**:由于海鳗鱼含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,如维生素A、B群等,这些营养素对于增强人体免疫力具有积极作用。

7. **促进新陈代谢**:海鳗鱼中的某些营养成分有助于促进身体的正常新陈代谢,维持生理功能的平衡。


8. **维护肠道健康**:海鳗鱼富含的胶原蛋白等成分还有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘。




### 益处:

1. **促进血液循环**:韭菜具有温性,饮用韭菜水可以促进血液循环,对改善手脚冰凉等症状有一定的帮助。

2. **驱寒暖胃**:韭菜水能驱寒暖胃,对于胃寒腹痛、消化不良等症状有一定的缓解作用。

3. **补肾壮阳**:韭菜被认为具有补肾壮阳的功效,对于肾虚、阳痿、早泄等患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。


4. **促进肠胃蠕动**:韭菜中的挥发油可以刺激肠道蠕动,有助于改善便秘。

5. **活血化瘀**:韭菜水对于跌打损伤、瘀血肿痛等有一定的缓解作用。

6. **提神醒脑**:韭菜的辛辣味能提神醒脑,对于感冒、鼻塞等症状有一定的缓解作用。

7. **辅助治疗**:韭菜水可能对阳痿、早泄等性功能障碍有一定的辅助治疗作用。

8. **增强体质**:韭菜水含有维生素、矿物质等营养成分,有助于增强体质。

### 影响:

1. **过敏反应**:对于过敏体质的人群,韭菜水可能引起过敏反应,应谨慎食用。


2. **不适宜人群**:阳虚内热等体质的人群应慎用韭菜水。

3. **药物相互作用**:韭菜水可能与某些药物发生相互作用,如抗凝药物等,需注意。

4. **过量饮用**:过量饮用韭菜水可能导致消化不良、腹泻等症状。

5. **治疗依据**:韭菜水虽有一定的保健作用,但不能作为治疗疾病的依据,如有不适请及时就医。



1. **枸杞**:具有补肾益精、养肝明目、润肺止咳等功效。富含多种维生素和微量元素,有助于改善肝功能、促进细胞生成,使皮肤细嫩、明目乌发。


2. **山楂**:能防治心血管疾病,扩张血管,增加冠脉血流量,改善心脏活力,降低血压和胆固醇,软化血管及利尿。

3. **冰糖**:具有清热解暑、降血压、降血脂、减肥、止血等作用。

4. **金菊**:具有疏风清热、平肝明目、避暑消烦、清心解毒的功效。


5. **薄荷**:疏散风热、清利头目、利咽、透疹、疏肝解郁。薄荷与荷汤及少许冰糖煮沸后,可清新怡神,疏风散热,增进食欲,帮助消化。

6. **桑椹**:补肝益肾、生津润肠、乌发明目。适合女性、中老年人及过度用眼者食用。

7. **腊梅花**:解暑生津、开胃散郁、解毒生肌、顺气止咳。


1. **降低中风风险**:荷兰研究发现,常喝不加牛奶的红茶可降低中风危险。

2. **抗氧化**:绿茶、乌龙茶等富含茶多酚、儿茶素等抗氧化物质,有助于清除自由基。

3. **提神醒脑**:绿茶、乌龙茶等具有提神、助消化、缓解疲劳的功效。

4. **消食去腻**:乌龙茶等半发酵茶具有消食去腻、减重、提神醒脑等多种功效。

5. **清热解毒**:金银花茶、菊花茶等花草茶具有清热解毒、凉血消肿等作用。


1. 根据个人体质和需求选择合适的养生茶。


2. 适量饮用,避免过量摄入。

3. 早上或饭前饮用为宜,晚上不宜过多饮用。

4. 注意养生茶的搭配技巧,以达到更好的保健效果。


### 1. 燥湿化痰

### 2. 降逆止呕



### 3. 消痞散结

### 4. 治疗咳嗽

### 5. 治疗眩晕

### 6. 其他应用
– **治疗呕吐反胃**:适用于因痰湿引起的呕吐反胃。
– **治疗头痛**:对于痰厥头痛有一定的缓解作用。
– **治疗瘿瘤痰核**:法夏可用于治疗因痰湿引起的瘿瘤和痰核。
– **治疗痈疽肿毒**:对于一些皮肤感染和肿毒也有一定的治疗作用。

### 使用注意事项
– **在医生指导下使用**:法夏应严格按照中医师的指导使用,因为中药的配伍和剂量需要根据个人体质和病情来定。
– **注意不良反应**:在用药过程中,如果出现不良反应,应及时停药并咨询医生。
– **与其他药材的配伍**:法夏常与其他药材配伍使用,以达到更好的治疗效果。



1. **营养价值高**:红豆、薏米和黑米都含有丰富的营养成分。红豆富含蛋白质、膳食纤维、多种维生素和矿物质,如铁、钾等;薏米含有淀粉、蛋白质、多种维生素和氨基酸,具有健脾利湿、清热排脓的功效;黑米含有蛋白质、维生素、锰、锌、铜等无机盐,以及大米所缺乏的维生素C、叶绿素、花青素、胡萝卜素和强心甙等特殊成分。


2. **益气补血**:红豆薏米黑米粥对一般人群有很好的益气补血作用,对于产妇而言,具有养颜补血的功效。

3. **益智作用**:红豆薏米黑米粥对宝宝有一定的益智作用,适合孩子发育期食用。

4. **清热祛湿**:薏米具有祛湿功效,红豆的膳食纤维丰富,可以促进肠道快速消化吸收,适合脾胃虚弱的人食用。

5. **预防三高**:红豆薏米黑米粥中的三种粗粮营养价值高,对老人有预防高血脂、高血压、高血糖的作用。

6. **预防癌症**:薏米中含有薏米酯、亚油酸这两种抗癌成分,红豆薏米黑米粥可以缓解肿瘤患者放化疗的毒副作用。

7. **解毒解酒**:红豆薏米黑米粥中的红豆可以清热解毒,薏米可以利水消肿,具有很好的利尿、解毒、解酒效果。

8. **美容养颜**:红豆薏米黑米粥富含多种营养元素,有助于润肤养颜,抗衰老。

9. **健脾去湿**:红豆薏米黑米粥有助于健脾去湿,对于身体虚弱、消化不良等情况有改善作用。


10. **润肠通便**:红豆薏米黑米粥中的红豆含有丰富的膳食纤维,可以促进肠胃蠕动,帮助肠胃消化,具有良好的润肠通便功效。



Is such a peerless arrogance among them?

This feeling is a little wonderful and unreal.
"You guys, I’m going to see Xiao Ning."
Just then, Su Mo said, "Say goodbye to all fuels and drift away."
Seeing that Su Mo had gone far, Feng Manman suddenly asked, "Can Xiao Yu tell the truth?"
"I don’t know"
Tang Yu smiled and shook his head.
After a while, the news that the poison gate was destroyed was covered up by the news that Daoshan Linghai disappeared.
Almost everyone in Xuantiancheng is discussing the identity of Brother Dao Huangcheng, and there are different opinions and speculations, but there is no accurate answer.
In many news, it was also said that a monk in blue got the contract.
The news may not be felt in other people’s ears.
But Tang Yu and others think of Su Mo when they hear the first time.
However, during this period, Su Mo couldn’t shut out Tang Yu and didn’t have a chance to prove it.
With the passage of time, the atmosphere in Xuan Tiancheng became more and more tense.
Recently, many strange faces have emerged in the city, and their strength is good.
The seal of Danchizong is about to dissipate!
Before that, all the major forces in Xuantiancheng were peaceful.
But once the seal is broken and the treasure is born, it will definitely lead to an earth-shattering bloody battle!
On this day, Danyang’s younger brother knocked on Su Mo’s door and asked him to go to the front hall.
Su Mo sat cross-legged on the bed and the blood quenching knife was placed horizontally in front of him. He spit out a long breath and opened his eyes. A pair of eyes were clear as water and looked calm.
Su Mo knew that Tang Yu would not bother him unless necessary.
Now knocking on his door is mostly the ruins of Danchi Sect.
Su Mo drifted down with the younger brother of Danyang and soon came to the front hall.
At this time, the front hall was full of people.
There are nearly a thousand people at a glance!
Su Mo finally realized what a big door is.
Before entering the ancient battlefield, it was said on Sunday that the strength of the Zhou Dynasty could send up to 50 monks.
But some top forces in the wild mainland can also send hundreds of monks into the ancient battlefield!
Danyang Gate ranks among the four side doors. Although it’s not good at fighting, it’s rich in information, and it’s even more powerful. Only by sitting in the seat can more than a thousand monks be sent in!
The gap is like cloud mud.
See Sue ink in Tang Yu nodded a greeting.
Behind Tang Yu Liang Bo unexpectedly also uncharacteristically took the initiative to smile at Su Mo.
Ji Chengtian and Xiao Ning have already arrived.
Suddenly Su Mo felt a subtle hostility and couldn’t help frowning slightly, turning his eyes and looking straight at the past.
Ten days ago, Su Mo slapped him severely and fainted.
In fact, Su Mo’s hand was merciful and the injury was not serious in Danyang Gate. Many panaceas were nursed back to health in a few days.
See Sue ink see severe hurriedly turned to avoid eyes eyes seems to be some dodge some fear.

This yan wang seems to be rooted in whether the four-fold practitioner who just persuaded him to be Dan Dao or not is their dazzling Yang Tianzong elder’s eyes flashing with horror and murderous face. The ferocious madness is becoming more and more obvious. "Gu Qing must die in my yan wang. Whoever dares to stop me will have a dead end, even if it belongs to a sword Sect, it is called our’ Jueque’ and the first master of cultivating immortals, Yan Qianjie, is no exception!"

Yet a original also want to persuade a few words of pale left and others scared back.
It’s not hard to see from the crazy meaning in the eyes of Elder Wang Yantai that if they really risk their lives, the 19th may be as good as Xuan Wanliu. The only way for them is to take advantage of the time when Elder Gu Qing and yan wang are playing against each other to send the news here to Xuanyang Tianzong, and please teach Zun Yunyan to personally.
With the Xuan Wanliu struck, yan wang’s eyes stared at Gu Qing’s eyes, and there was a deep-rooted hatred. "Now no one can stop me, Gu Qing. It’s time for us to end our affairs."
Gu Qing took a look at yan wang’s local language and remained silent for a long time. He finally asked, "Do you know where you are now?"
The third volume The stars gather together. One hundred and sixty-seven It never rains but it pours back
Yan wang didn’t even recognize the warning in Guqing’s words, but laughed. "East? That’s another example: Gu Qing, I have been looking for you over the years, and at the same time, I have got a deeper understanding of you. According to my observation of every battle for you over the years, the launching of your strange magical power not only needs the balance between the east and the west, but also the most important point is that your attack must be directed at me … It’s as if the root of your magical power is not from yourself, and you are just like a stress point, standing still and hitting in one direction and really pushing you to limit the power of this magical power. There should be someone else! "
Guqing nodded his head in my heart.
Look at all these years, yan wang has really made a profound analysis of everything about him!
It’s a pity that he will never change his mind for nothing!
The skylight dynasty is far away from Xuanyang Tianzong, and it is not ancient, and it is unwilling to delay. Otherwise, it will disturb Xuanyang Tianzong’s palm to teach Yunyan. He can get away, but the situation of a bunch of people in the Daqi dynasty will become very dangerous …
"Gu Qing, now let me see what magical power you have made after hiding for a year, so that you have the courage to walk again in the realm of cultivating immortals. Burn the true fire to me, and burn everything in front of me to stop my humble will and turn it into ashes!"
Elder yan wang shouted a Shinto realm, the strength of the earth, and the unscrupulous department released it!
A fiery white flame waved directly from his hand to form a series of huge virtual shadows of fire dragon, phoenix, Bi Fang and the sun. These virtual shadows are condensed by a Shinto deity, and each virtual shadow contains heat. The vast expanse of Xinjiang is like the sea flying in their wings. The ruined heaven returns to the temple by collapse, and it is directly dissipated by the overflowing vitality.
"Retreat quickly!"
Pale to the left and Luo Shen, two strong men who practiced Gang Qi, growled at the same time and took practitioners in their respective directions to fly out of the temple at the fastest speed. At this time, Gu Qing did not consider Gu Xiaolin and others rejecting the direct true yuan operation of the phoenix bracelet, and forced a line of people such as the Daqi Dynasty to ingest this artifact!
No hand left!
At this moment, yan wang even showed his strongest posture regardless of his own Shinto master’s coercion!
Although his strength is not as good as Jiang Wangshui’s, he crushed the evil spirits of all gods and jade, but the horrible aftermath and coercion that he gave off after desperate efforts were like the end of the world for the practitioners who did not practice vigorous qi in Dan Daowu!
Some practitioners who are slow to retreat are lucky enough to return to their senses in the previous air pressure, but they have not come to adjust and churn their internal organs, and they have been destroyed by the impact and heat flow.
Even those Wang Jue Chang, who were admired by thousands of people in the Tianguang Dynasty, were not much better than those experts in the realm of Dan Dao. Without strong gas to resist this heat, they were directly ignited by the blazing fire of the dazzling sun, which was similar to the uncontrolled fire of Dan Huo, and kept burning along the meridians and acupoints to directly burn their flesh.
In addition to Luoshen and Cang to the left to protect a limited dozen people, there are still hundreds of people present. At this moment, the huge number has dropped sharply to less than the previous ten points, and the Tiangui Hall, which is magnificent in the capital of the Tianguang Dynasty, has been completely wiped out from this land by the horrible heat emitted by the burning sun and shining sun.
The income of all the people in the Daqi Dynasty led to a slow movement, and the ancient green was directly swallowed up by the blazing flame of the blazing sun.
But at the moment, the power and intensity of the ancient green body Dan fire is no longer easy. Seeing that it was burned by the fire, the ancient green fire spread all over the body and resisted the fire. At the same time, it poured into the Dan fire from the artifact immortal wood.
Wood fire!
Got a huge amount of wood primordial qi perfusion was already burning vigorously, and the power of Dan fire instantly rose to a higher level, reaching the terrible state of burning the sky and dazzle the Cindy Yang Fire Chamber. Two flames kept colliding and blasting a few meters away from the ancient green center, and the temperature of the whole skylight dynasty capital rose suddenly during the collision of these two flames. Even the temperature of the palace department alone has reached 90 degrees, and even some air passages have trained six masters of true qi, it is difficult to resist the spontaneous combustion of a large number of palace fires and rise into flames!
More than that, with the fierce collision between the two flames, the fiery air billow and the flaming flame are constantly extending outside the palace, and the blink of an eye has turned this prosperous imperial capital into a lava hell. A large number of screams have been constantly coming out in the king’s capital, and the flaming flame has soared into the sky and reflected the whole sky …
For ordinary people in these mortal countries, the impact of two Shinto masters fighting each other in their capital is the absolute doomsday. This kind of French-shaped terrorist loss is no less than the natural disaster when the stars "Shenyue" hit Zhenxi Wangfu!
I can’t resist the burning of the sun and the true fire. Gu Qing is also aware of the tragedy that happened in the capital of the whole skylight dynasty at the moment!
When he fought with the venerable Ksitigarbha, the two sides made moves, but in order to avoid injury, both mortals controlled the scale of the battle within a certain range. But yan wang … His mind has reached the edge of being possessed. In his mind, besides killing Gu Qing, he no longer listens to orders and persuades, and he is also mindful that every blow contains exhausted power!
"Crazy, crazy, this yan wang is completely crazy. The five big doors in Middle-earth, one dazzling Yangtian Sect, are too old to ignore their Shinto master status and fight in a mortal country, resulting in the death of millions of mortals … this kind of behavior is simply different …"
Luo Shen looked at the capital of Tianguang dynasty, which was almost completely burned to ashes, and turned pale!
And the Holy Light Emperor of the Holy Light Dynasty was so scared that he didn’t get paralyzed. "After that, half of the masters of the celestial light dynasty lived in the palace, and those elites from all walks of life were also burned in the capital eye … finished."
Without these Dan Dao masters in their skylight dynasty, they have offended so many dynasties at the same time … Once these dynasties take this opportunity to unite, God knows what will happen.
"I’m afraid going to this capital like this will be completely destroyed!"
Gu Qing shook his head. Although he looked down on all external things, it was natural that he wanted to avoid such a tragedy as much as possible!
Read this. When Dan’s firepower slightly occupied the wind and resisted the burning of the sun, he had already made a direct shot. The sharp sword light directly broke the sun, forming a flame all over the sky. Taking advantage of this crack, he went straight into the sky like a golden sharp arrow and shot directly to the end of the sky!
"Coward, you used to dazzle YangTianZong in me. Isn’t it awesome? Now how am I chased like a SangGuQuan? Leave me to die. "Elder yan wang’s keen knowledge of the gods first perceived the method tactic in the hands of Gu Qing’s figure and moved the huge fire dragon to roar and fly away from the virtual, while the past Gu Qing fled to the end of the sky and nullified it.

Good head foaming at the mouth and Yan Zhenhu just recovered his sanity at this time, and his face showed a little unwilling to completely sink.

"Ow ~ ~"
A piercing and miserable shout a black gas rushed out of the black mask from Yan Zhen’s tiger’s head and body, and a flash of it made a gray-white impact on the Yin fire layer towards the Yin fire skeleton.
Pa ~ ~
In an instant, the black mask was shattered in the Yin fire, but this black gas has also penetrated the Yin fire and will fly away in the distance.
At this time, however, a black light just came and fell on the black gas.
The black gas suddenly froze and did not move.
Yin fixation!
Yu Guihai made a special stroke before the ghost hit the Yin Fire Layer. When it rushed out, it was like hitting a spell!
The black gas was immediately stopped, and the gray-white yin fire swept away and wrapped it in the ignition, which burned a small part in an instant.
"Forgive me! I am willing to surrender and be your ghost servant! "
After the black gas resumed its action, it gave out a feminine scream, and the body poured out bursts of something congenial and the black mask resisted the burning of the yin fire, and left and right rushed to try to break out of the range of the yin fire.
Yu Guihai moved in his heart.
The strength of this ghost is not weak, but it can also be decorated with that kind of powerful hiding ability, which is even more powerful, and Yan Zhen’s tiger body is going to have a secret skill of controlling ghosts.
It would be nice to accept it.
Just then, a red figure suddenly jumped out of the ruins not far away, and the red light flashed through the Yin fire layer and came to the black gas.
This is a red villain with golden eyes and a layer of green hair on his head. He is greedy and looking at black gas.
Chapter 177 Suppression
"You, you are."
Black gas seems to have seen something more horrible than something suddenly screaming in horror. The whole mass of gas is so crazy that it is too scared to speak.
The red villain is also welcome, and the black gas is easily sucked into his mouth like unconscious smoke.
The little red man patted his belly with satisfaction and burped.
"Eat! Traffic lights! "
Yu Guihai asked smilingly.
I’m not angry at all because I’m trying to collect ghosts and get eaten, because one of them has been eaten, but another one has better delivered the door.
"Wow ~ ~ ~"
The little red man looked at Yu Guihai in astonishment. It seems that he found himself in a situation at this time and immediately exclaimed and flew away in the distance.
Yu Guihai waved a long stick and followed closely like a tarsal maggot.
However, to no avail, the red villain suddenly broke through the yin fire and disappeared into the black gas in the distance.
"Run again! Really naughty! "
Yu Guihai Nai shook his head with a wave of his hand, and the yin fire suddenly dissipated, and the long staff of bones also returned to its usual strange state.
Then he bent down and groped in Yan Zhen’s tiger body, and directly pulled out a pocket filled with things and looked at a lot of things inside. The booklet was among them.
Yu Guihai directly stuffed his pocket into his parcel without looking closely.
Then he put his long staff in front of him and looked at it carefully. This time, he was able to easily get rid of the strong enemy and rely on this sinister skeleton.
Just before fighting Yan Zhenhu, his upgrade point has been refreshed.
The back-shaped interface of Yin-fire skeleton banner obtained from Lu Qingyin immediately shows the progress of Yin-fire skeleton banner sacrifice refining, but there is no movement in the preliminary refining instrument that will not be noticed.
When Yan Zhenhu asked him to hand over his long staff, he secretly gave a preliminary refining to the skeleton of Yin Fire.
Things will be simple after the two sides exchange.
While Yan Zhenhu didn’t know that Yu Guihai was directly fuelling Yin fire, the skeleton complications killed Yan Zhenhu by surprise, and then he did his best to directly slay Yan Zhenhu and drove the ghost hidden in him to escape.
The whole process is easier than!
The only thing that made him a little nauseous was that Yan Zhenhu put it together during the exchange. Although it didn’t affect the final outcome, it always made him feel bad.
"hmm? No, I’m deliberately showing the enemy’s weakness, making Yan Zhenhu complacent and more careless, making it easier for me to complete the sneak attack! "
"But this is actually not a pit in my plan! I am so smart and have a good sense of direction, how can I ignore the left and right issues! "
On second thought, Yu Guihai felt a little uncomfortable and immediately dissipated.
Yu said that in the end, the ghost was cut off by the red villain and swallowed up. He was not very depressed, but he was quite happy. It is not the kui that he took a fancy to the pet ghost so badly!

Suddenly, a light flash in his mind.

Yu Guihai immediately felt a feeling of being spied on.
By this time, he no longer cares about the force receiving achievement method.
Ember bodhi old zu even spy on him, it is impossible to see the new fusion achievement method. At most, he can find some abnormalities and feel some kind of threat.
The bodhi old zu woke up from a meditation at the peak of the cloud, and his face suddenly changed when he was puzzled and probed.
Yu Guihai is no longer in Zongmen, and he seems to be receiving some kind of bearing, which is a powerful threat.
"Complete magical power!"
Ember bodhi old zu sullen.
His mind moved, and Zhan Feiyun, the patriarch’s hall, suddenly fell to the ground with a look of fear.
"Report to the bodhi old zu that great changes have taken place in the valley of ghosts. Ten ghost kings have struck. Five Lei Zhenjun guards his younger brother’s army and the younger brother volunteered to go to the valley of ghosts to suppress the ghost king."
"F * * king! Call him back immediately. "
"yes! Brother personally go. "
Zhan Feiyun felt the anger of the bodhi old zu and immediately raised the importance to the highest level.
He made a sound to let the three true kings of Huolin inform Yu Guihai to return to Zongmen, and then left Zongmen in person and headed for the valley of ghosts.
The bodhi old zu’s eyes twinkled and he thought for a while. He suspected that Yu Guihai had found him spying, but when he thought about it, he felt that it was impossible to incarnate the strong god. There was still confidence in this.
God can never find his means even if he is a genius.
Ember bodhi old zu heart andao "let Zhan Feiyun recall him, even if he got the avatar achievement method for a while, it is impossible to practice successfully and can’t afford to turn the waves."
At this time, Yu Guihai has finished accepting the new achievement method.
He didn’t understand carefully when he came, and he called out the shape interface, and saw that there was a symbol that could be added behind the six-pole gold body!
Yu Guihai is overjoyed that he will soon be promoted to avatar territory.
There is still an hour in the calculation, that is, at midnight one day, when the upgrade point is refreshed, you can directly upgrade to the six-pole golden body avatar, and Wu Daoxiu can directly upgrade to the avatar realm!
"It’s not appropriate to call this new achievement method Hexagon Golden Body again. Change its name. It’s better to call it Hexagon Dragon Immortal Golden Body!"
Yu Guihai gloated and gave the new achievement method a new name.
Then he took out some panacea and threw it into his mouth, then meditated and practiced to restore his state.
Chapter 59 avatar into
The avatar of the ultimate evolution of the flesh is richer than the foundation of the flesh, and there are also the types of martial arts that it cultivates.
It is recorded in ancient books that it increases the chance of inspiring avatar, and ancient fighters will also forge an avatar Dan.
This magic pill can greatly increase the chance of gathering magical powers.
It’s a pity that this avatar Dan has already been lost.
However, Yu Guihai has a chance of being in control. It has never been a problem for him. There should be a little chance, that is, 100%.
These days, with the help of alchemy, he has accumulated a large number of tonic panacea early, including Xiaoqingling fish soup, Jinji jade bone barbecue and so on. In addition, there are several kinds of panacea that can strengthen and replenish the body.
It is to supplement the huge consumption caused by the sublimation and transformation of the flesh when promoting the avatar.
Around me, Yu Guihai has already cleared out a clean area, and there are pots and pans in front of them, all of which are precious spiritual meals; There are also boxes and bottles filled with various tonics and elixirs.
The surrounding defense symbol array has also been set by him at the expense of materials, which is the most powerful symbol array at present.
There is a strong absorption of Yin qi around, and even if a group of strong people storm in the fetal period, they can last for several hours.
Plus, the three demons are outside to stop the enemy, and the demon king is waiting for an opportunity nearby. It is difficult for the strong roots to get close to each other in normal pregnancy.
So fully prepared, Yu Guihai Yu quietly waits for the upgrade point to refresh.
Three time flies from the periphery of the valley of murders and stops outside the ghost domain to reveal three figures, which are the three true kings of Huolin.
At this time, their faces are gone, and they are somewhat anxious from calm.
"Ah, it seems that Brother Ghost has entered the ghost domain, and I wonder if he has met the ghost king?"
Crack to true gentleman looked at hauntingly dense region anxiously said
"I shouldn’t have met it, otherwise the ghost domain wouldn’t be so quiet." Jin Jianzhen calmly analyzed.
"Then let’s go in and call him out. Damn it, Zongmen, why did you suddenly send an urgent order to the ghost brother to return immediately at this time? Did something terrible happen to you? Otherwise, what would be more important than the valley of ghosts? "
Crack to true gentleman urged a face immediately puzzled look.
"Well, let’s go in together in case we don’t get separated," said Jin Jianzhen.