
1. **隔离彩妆**:隔离霜能够在肌肤与彩妆之间形成一层保护膜,防止彩妆中的有害成分直接接触皮肤,减少对肌肤的刺激和伤害。

2. **隔离脏空气**:现代城市中空气污染严重,隔离霜可以阻挡部分尘埃、PM2.5等污染物,保护皮肤免受污染。

3. **防晒作用**:虽然隔离霜的防晒效果可能不如专门的防晒霜,但它通常含有一定量的防晒成分,能够抵御一定程度的紫外线伤害。

4. **抗辐射**:隔离霜中的一些成分能够抵御电脑辐射等电子辐射,保护皮肤免受辐射伤害。

5. **调整肤色**:许多隔离霜具有遮瑕功能,可以改善肤色不均,让肤色看起来更加均匀。


6. **修饰毛孔**:隔离霜能够使毛孔看起来不那么明显,从而改善肌肤的纹理。

7. **保湿**:含有保湿成分的隔离霜可以保持皮肤的水分,减少水分流失。

8. **抗衰老**:一些隔离霜中添加了抗氧化成分,可以对抗自由基,减缓皮肤衰老。

9. **遮盖瑕疵**:隔离霜可以遮盖一些皮肤上的小瑕疵,如痘痘、斑点等。

10. **提高底妆服帖度**:使用隔离霜后,妆容会更加服帖,持久度更高。

11. **保护皮肤**:隔离霜可以形成一层保护膜,防止外界不良因素(如风沙、冷热变化等)对皮肤的侵害。



1. **兴奋与提神**:荔枝红茶中的咖啡碱可以刺激中枢神经系统,有助于振奋精神、增进思维、消除疲劳,提高工作效率。

2. **利尿作用**:红茶中的咖啡碱和茶碱具有利尿效果,有助于治疗水肿、水滞瘤等疾病,同时也有助于急性黄疸型肝炎的治疗。

3. **强心解痉**:荔枝红茶中的少量咖啡碱有助于强心、解痉和松弛平滑肌,对于支气管哮喘、止咳化痰、心肌梗塞等疾病有良好的辅助治疗作用。

4. **抑制动脉硬化**:茶多酚和维生素C有助于活血化瘀,防止动脉硬化,从而降低高血压和冠心病的发病率。

5. **抗菌与抑菌**:茶多酚和鞣酸可以凝固细菌的蛋白质,起到抗菌和抑菌的作用,可用于治疗肠道疾病,如霍乱、伤寒、痢疾、肠炎等,同时对于皮肤感染和口腔炎症也有一定的疗效。

6. **减肥作用**:荔枝红茶中的咖啡碱、肌醇、叶酸、泛酸和芳香类物质等多种化合物能调节脂肪代谢,有助于减肥。

7. **增强免疫能力**:荔枝红茶含有丰富的维生素C和蛋白质,能有效增强机体的免疫功能,提高抗病能力。


8. **驱寒暖身**:荔枝红茶具有温热性,有助于驱走体内寒气,适合冬季饮用,能缓解手脚冰冷等问题。

9. **排毒养颜**:荔枝含有维生素A、B1、C以及果胶、蛋白质等多种元素,有补肾、改善肝功能、加速毒素排除、促进细胞生成、使皮肤细嫩等作用。

10. **缓解干渴**:荔枝红茶含有较多水分,适合口干、口渴等不适者饮用,有助于补充水分。



### 益处:

1. **药用价值**:
– **降血压、降血脂**:水蒿具有调节血压和血脂的作用,对高血压和高血脂患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。
– **养肝健胃**:有助于肝脏健康,同时也有助于胃部健康。
– **清热解毒、消炎**:可以用于清热解毒和消炎,对于一些炎症性疾病有一定的缓解作用。
– **瘦身轻身**:有助于减轻体重,适合需要控制体重的人群。
– **生毛发**:对头发有滋养作用,有助于头发生长。
– **其他功效**:中医认为水蒿还能补中益气,长期食用可以轻身、耳聪目明,防衰等。

2. **营养价值**:
– 富含蛋白质、维生素C、钙、铁和胡萝卜素等营养成分。
– 纤维细嫩,易于消化吸收,适合儿童和老年人食用。

### 应用:

1. **食用**:
– 水蒿嫩芽经过开水汆烫后可以食用,口感鲜香嫩脆。


– 可以凉拌、炒食或煮汤。


2. **药用**:
– 民间常用于治疗传染性肝炎、高血压、癌症等疾病。
– 制作成茶饮,用于治疗咳嗽、高血压、头昏脑涨等。

3. **其他用途**:
– 作为牲畜的饲料,特别是早春和冬季。
– 在传统医学中,水蒿的茎和叶也被用作药用材料。



### 药效:

1. **保护胃黏膜**:硫糖铝在胃内酸性条件下,能形成胶体直接覆盖在溃疡面或炎症处,保护溃疡或炎症黏膜,抵御胃酸侵袭。
2. **促进组织修复和溃疡愈合**:硫糖铝能促进前列腺素合成,增加黏膜血流量,从而促进组织修复和溃疡愈合。
3. **缓解症状**:适用于胃、十二指肠溃疡、慢性胃炎以及缓解胃酸过多引起的胃痛、烧心、反酸等症状。
4. **预防应激性溃疡**:可用于预防应激性溃疡的发生。


### 影响:


1. **影响其他药物吸收**:由于硫糖铝能中和胃酸,可能会影响其他药物的吸收,如阿莫西林和阿托伐他汀。因此,建议与这些药物分开服用。
2. **副作用**:硫糖铝较常见的副作用是便秘,少见或偶见的副作用包括口干、恶心、消化不良、腹泻、嗜睡、眩晕、头昏或头痛等。
3. **饮食和生活习惯**:在服用硫糖铝期间,应注意保持良好的饮食及生活习惯,如少食多餐,避免过饱饮食及暴饮暴食,避免油炸、油腻、辛辣、生冷、刺激、过甜、过酸等不容易消化的食物,忌烟酒、浓茶、咖啡等。
4. **与其他药物的相互作用**:硫糖铝如需与制酸药合用,制酸药应在硫糖铝服后1小时给予。应在服用硫糖铝后间隔2小时再服用其他药物。



1. **天然甜味剂**:
– **高甜度**:甜叶菊的甜度是蔗糖的200-300倍,而其热值却非常低,仅为蔗糖的1/300,这对于需要控制热量摄入的人群(如糖尿病患者、减肥者)尤为适宜。
– **安全性**:甜叶菊提取物无毒副作用,是国际上公认的天然、安全的甜味剂。

2. **健康益处**:
– **降血糖**:甜叶菊中的成分可以降低血糖水平,对糖尿病患者有益。
– **降血压**:甜叶菊提取物具有降低血压的作用,对高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。
– **降血脂**:它还能帮助调节血脂,降低心血管疾病的风险。
– **抗氧化**:甜叶菊提取物具有抗氧化作用,能清除体内的自由基,保护细胞免受氧化损伤,延缓衰老,预防癌症和心血管疾病。
– **改善消化功能**:甜叶菊能促进胃肠蠕动,有助于改善消化功能,缓解便秘。


3. **药用价值**:
– **治疗脾胃问题**:甜叶菊具有滋阴、促进胃液分泌的作用,可用于治疗脾胃问题。
– **抗炎作用**:它具有抗炎作用,对胃炎、口腔疾病等有一定的辅助治疗作用。

4. **其他益处**:
– **防止龋齿和口臭**:甜叶菊提取物能抑制口腔细菌的生长,有助于保持口腔清洁和健康。
– **适用于高温加工**:甜叶菊提取物在高温下也能保持稳定,不会分解或变质,适合用于烘焙食品等高温加工的产品。

5. **广泛应用**:
– **食品和饮料**:甜叶菊提取物可以添加在各种饮料和食品中,如茶饮、果汁、乳制品、甜点、糖果和调味品等。
– **药品和保健品**:它还可以用于制作具有抗氧化、降血压、降血脂、抗炎等作用的药品和保健品。



1. **美观提升**:健康的秀发通常看起来更加光泽、柔顺,给人留下良好的第一印象。

2. **自信增强**:拥有一头美丽的秀发可以增强个人的自信心,有助于社交和职场表现。

3. **心理健康**:秀发的健康与人的心理健康密切相关。头发护理得当,有助于减少焦虑和压力。

4. **身体营养状况的反映**:头发是身体营养状况的“镜子”,通过观察头发,可以了解身体的健康状况。

5. **社交能力**:在社交场合,整洁的头发可以提升个人的社交能力,有助于建立良好的人际关系。


6. **文化意义**:在许多文化中,头发象征着生命力、纯洁和尊贵。

7. **职业形象**:在许多职业中,头发的外观对职业形象有着重要的影响,整洁的头发有助于提升职业形象。

8. **个人风格**:头发是个人风格的重要组成部分,不同的发型可以展现不同的个性。

9. **日常便利**:健康的头发更易于打理,可以节省时间和精力。

10. **文化传承**:在一些文化中,特定的发型和发饰承载着特定的文化意义和传承。


– **合理饮食**:保证摄入足够的蛋白质、维生素和矿物质,如铁、锌、维生素A、C和E等。
– **科学洗护**:选择适合自己发质的洗发水和护发素,避免使用刺激性强的化学产品。
– **避免过度热造型**:减少使用吹风机、卷发棒等高温工具,以免损伤头发。
– **定期修剪**:定期修剪发梢,去除分叉和损伤的发丝。


– **避免过度牵拉**:减少头发拉扯,如不经常扎紧马尾辫等。
– **保持头皮健康**:使用适合的头皮护理产品,如头皮精华等,保持头皮清洁和健康。


The red wolf is a little afraid of his predecessors, but he still shouts out that he is adding potential. "I am the demon guard of the red wolf!" How dare you hurt my dead body today! "

The young man turned slightly to the cold leopard cold flame demon and said, "What about you?"
The cold leopard is indifferent by nature, but it is also straightforward and straightforward. "The demon domain demon is handsome and the cold leopard demon guards."
The helmet of the cold flame demon Lord makes people unable to see what it looks like. At this moment, she is saying, "Do you want to be one enemy and three enemies?"
The teenager suddenly smiled mysteriously and said, "Cold Flame Devil, you and I might as well let go of the middleman and show me that everyone present has the courage to hurt Taikoo’s younger brother."
The Lord of Cold Flame wondered, "Are you from Taikoomen?"
The teenager immediately replied "yes and no"
The Red Wolf Demon Guard heard that the conversation between the two people was already impatient and irritable, and it was a sneak attack again than the shape of a wolf claw Yao Tian!
The young man looked at the Lord of the Cold Flame, but he fully understood the action of the Red Wolf and shook his head. "I hate the evil generation most. You are not worthy of death!"
The teenager who finished speaking is also a flash of ice marks on the moon. The figure disappears in a flash, leaving only the teenager in sight to meet the red wolf’s sneak attack!
Strong fist strength to meet the red wolf’s paw strength is mutually compatible, but the cold flame demon is also very rich in experience in profound warfare, but it is obvious that teenagers will kill their hearts!
"This red wolf is the chosen person of the demon commander. If he dies, I can bear the wrath of the demon commander!"
The Lord of Cold Flame saw that the Red Wolf was in crisis, and the magic shadow flashed and threw itself at the teenager.
But this time she didn’t choose to sneak attack but appeared from the front of the teenager to try to resist the blow!
"You don’t have to intervene!"
The red wolf roars unexpectedly, but the demon Lord gets in the way. The wolf’s paw has focused on his ten-layer capability and directly grasped the young head.
With the wind, the young man attacked the cold flame demon Lord, and suddenly the whole person surged like a dragon, emitting a strong something congenial that actually flashed past the cold flame demon Lord by rotating force.
The Lord of Cold Flame was frightened, but when he looked back, he saw that the red wolf’s eyes were wide open and almost broke out with a sword in his heart!
The wrist pulls back the sword and slowly pulls it out. Seeing that this sword is full of blood gives people a sense of poison. It’s a shocking evil soldier!
From the end, in a short time, the red wolf demon guard didn’t give a gasp and scream, as if he had been sucked to the vitality, and suddenly his human form dissipated and a red giant wolf fell towards the ground.
Chapter one hundred and forty-three Deterrent the Lord
In the red wolf, there is no Yuan God out-of-body experience. That’s because his Yuan God has been swallowed up by a long sword, leaving only his body. The lotus flower of the long sword will disappear in a flash.
"Red Wolf body and five elements belong to fire, but it is also a good refining material."
As soon as the boy’s palm turned over, he didn’t even let go of the red wolf’s body, so he took it in his pocket.
Cold flame demon Lord heart shock extremely andao "how could this young posture be so swift-"
Seeing the young man’s sword, he fought and killed the red wolf demon Wei Hanbao. He was furious. The red wolf was collected by the demon handsome many years ago. At this moment, the red wolf was actually killed. The cold leopard’s eyes flashed with heinous murder and he chose to sneak attack again. He wanted the young man to die!
The cold leopard demon guard is a demon who has been practicing for more than two thousand years. Because of the strange cold in his place, he also practiced a collar, and then the demon handsome brought him into the demon guard red wolf. Although his personality is different, he has also experienced life and death battles several times.
The advantage of the cold leopard is that the leopard is quick and flexible, plus it absorbs the cold all the year round and gets a part of the support from the demon handsome.
At this moment, he transformed himself into a human figure and hid himself in his fists, displaying a demon, handsome and close to the cold wind, and suddenly appeared behind the teenager, and his fists were caught in the cold wind!
"Hum sneak attack generation ever thought that others would also attack?"
Young indifference that blood-red sword instantly back scabbard young whole person breath from real to virtual unexpectedly an incredible trajectory suddenly appeared in the middle of the cold leopard cold leopard!

"It turned out to be the palm teaching. Please forgive the old-fashioned salute." The old man’s voice was hoarse, and a pair of dim eyes looked at the palm teaching jade Duxiu.

"The bodhi old zu really can’t survive this day?" The palm of your hand is shaking, and your eyes are sad and unreal.
"I can’t survive the bodhi old zu. I’ve lived for hundreds of thousands of years and watched things change. It’s the same to live and die. Is there a difference between living and dying? Bodhi old zu, I’ve lived long enough to endure it. This God should take me away after all. "Although bodhi old zu’s voice is decadent, it is calm in the face of death.
The "bodhi old zu" was in a flurry of footsteps, but he heard all the people crying sadly. It turned out that the peaks and peaks of the mountains had arrived.
"Let’s get up, don’t cry. The laws of heaven and earth are so good, but I didn’t step into that step after all. This day, people’s five failures should have arrived long ago. If it weren’t for the ancestor’s old man’s house, I was afraid that the bodhi old man would have died more than 100 thousand years ago and I could live more than 200 thousand years." The old man’s mouth actually gave me a little smile, and the gangsters looked at the monks present with a flash of remembrance. "When the bodhi old man saw himself young, the bodhi old man also roared with you
Speaking of which, looking at the sad face of all the people, the old man laughed. "Now it seems that it is just so powerful. How can an era be like this?" If you don’t take that step, after all, it will be the ashes of reincarnation. "
Speaking of this, the old man sighed, "It’s as difficult as the sky to become an immortal. You’ve waited for a spiritual path to pursue immortality or abandon your wife or love. I have three hates in my life, and even if I enter reincarnation, I will die unsatisfied."
They heard the words and listened quietly to the bodhi old zu’s last words.
Jade Duxiu saw that Germany wanted to be rude to Germany, but was stopped by Germany shaking his head and gesturing for him to look in the direction of the bodhi old zu. Jade Duxiu heard a sigh.
"This first hate is that the bodhi old zu heard that there was a fairy path in the world after I had a wife and children in the secular world, so the bodhi old zu abandoned all worldly things to get the fairy path, and I had to be unfeeling. The bodhi old zu abandoned all worldly roots and logged into the fairy gate until the bodhi old zu became a monk, only to find that all the wives, children and children had become dust in the past few hundred years. If I took them into the fairy path together, it must have been another appearance." The bodhi old zu said that there was a flash of regret in his muddy eyes. "I don’t know if the original heart was the same.
After that, the scene was silent for a while. After a while, the bodhi old zu added, "This second hate is that I abandoned my wife and even my father and mother at home. I think it’s because I was too selfish and bent on being immortal, but I stopped at Xianmen. This is God’s punishment for me."
"This third hate is that I liked a fellow school sister in those days, but the fairy road is against the clock. Although my school sister likes each other, I forced myself to hold back my feelings. My school sister threw herself into others’ arms and looked at the school sister. This is a third hate. It’s hard to be round." Speaking of this, there are actually two drops of turbid tears in the old man’s eyes. At this time, the decline of heaven and man is close to disaster. This bodhi old man’s heart is slowly collapsing for thousands of years, revealing the softest part of his heart.
"Idiot, idiot, love and hate in this world? When your father and mother went straight into reincarnation, they also missed you, worried about you, but blamed you at all. "A faint sound was heard all over the place."
"My parents and children are sorry for you. You never saw your last side before you died." The bodhi old zu sat up trembling from the ground and plopped down with tears.
"In those days, you were obsessed with fairy tales and regarded worldly affection as a burden. Your master was afraid that you would regret it when you were old. You deliberately secretly took care of your parents, wife and children. Although your wife resented you, she was obsessed with you until she died, holding your clothes and wanting to see you for the last time." The long sound rang again.
"Su Xin" Renhe wept bitterly.
"In your younger generation, it was a smooth sailing to have your master look after nature. In that year, your master had the heart to spend them in the fairy road, but you were rude and went to that young one, which was quite hostile to the fairy road and could lament the fairy road edge." The sound was unhurried.
At this time, the bodhi old zu has been crying and curled up into a ball of tears.
The "Godfather" all exclaimed in unison that they had lost their worship.
"My brother knows my mistake, my brother knows my mistake." The bodhi old zu kowtowed.
"Have you ever regretted Xianlu?" Although the godfather has disappeared, his voice is lingering.
"Fairy Road into everything is my brother, although I have regrets, but I don’t regret it when I die. I hate that I can’t live forever." At this time, all the crying of the bodhi old zu stopped with a resolute unwillingness
Jade Duxiu looked Zheng. I heard this old guy cry her eyes out before. This old guy was sentient beings and righteous, and he repented before he died. But who would have thought that this old guy was unwilling to be immortal?
Having said that, when you see the old man in such a state, you can’t help but feel that everything in the world feels that everything you seek and everything you pursue by Xianlu is illusory and fatal. It is better to indulge in singing and enjoy the prosperity of the world and enjoy your family.
Jade Duxiu looked around and saw that the imaginary disaster and robbery had gathered into chains, locking the bodhi old zu with a strong decadent spirit and making it struggle.
"Five Declines between Heaven and Man" Jade Duxiu felt a heavy feeling involuntarily.
Chapter 454 Zuohua
"Brother, thank you, master. Thank you, master." The bodhi old zu kept crying.
This old man has gone through five failures, so his master is estimated to have already passed away.
As time went by, I saw that the old man was gradually emitting a burst of decadent gas, and an unpleasant smell and pollution emerged from his whole body.
It seems that the old man who knows that he has a long time howls at the sky, "I’m unwilling. I abandoned my wife and cut off secular love and hatred. God wants to treat me like this. I’m unwilling."
The monks looked at the bodhi old zu with a heavy face. The bodhi old zu is their future today, and you still call the shots in the future, but after you die, it is not a blank of loess. There is a difference between all beings.
"I’m waiting to send the bodhi old zu to reincarnation" saw that the bodhi old zu’s whole body became more and more decadent, and his skin wrinkled badly, and all the peak leaders bowed their heads in succession.
Jade Duxiu’s fingers moved in the sleeve, and the source of robbery may not be able to suppress the fate and delay the five failures of heaven and man. Now the list of gods has cast immortality in sight, but this old man has to die. I have to say that this old man’s luck has failed to the extreme.
The finger moved in the sleeve, and Yu Duxiu didn’t move after all. "The karma is so causal."
"To pay tribute to the bodhi old zu" palm teaching resounded through the mountains.
"Dang" Taiping Road bells are ringing off the hook.
"I’m waiting to see the bodhi old zu off." All the monks in Taiping Road heard the clock. It seems that this clock has a strange power to cross the Qian Shan.
The virtual robbery slowly dispersed, and only a statue of a filthy, dry and corrupt body was piled up in the same place.
"This is the five failures of heaven and man. Even the godfather can stand by and watch." Jade Duxiu’s heart andao
Naturally, my brother respectfully put the body in a coffin and carefully carried it away.


Say that finish two people ended the call.
Huang Yongli, a company in Shengyuan District, sat in his office and said to the messenger, "India will send the goods to them quickly."
"Good le" troubled stablehand who nodded.
"Oh, by the way, you inform Cai to let them pay for the noodles." Huang Yongli ordered while drinking tea. "Then don’t forget to get Li Yuanzhen 100,000 yuan in the past. It’s because he has joined us."
"I see," said the messenger, pointing to the door. "Then I’ll go first."
After the messenger left, Huang Yongli immediately smiled and rubbed his palm at a woman next to him and said, "Haha, this batch of goods can be taken out, otherwise I will be worried to death …"
About an hour and a half later, the RV stopped at a building, and Jin Yu bowed his head and sent two short messages before he said to Qin Yu, "The restaurant is cleaning up my reservation box. Let’s wait for a while."
"Then go and wait?" Qin Yu answered without much thought.
"Ha ha" Jin Yu stopped with a bitter smile on his face. "A handsome boy and I are going to wait in the building for another day."
Qin Yu was stuck.
"I’m sorry, let’s wait in the car." Jin Yu stopped and smoothed her hair. "When they’re finished, we’ll take the private elevator."
"Oh, good" Qin Yu nodded.
The sound of falling off the bus suddenly made the atmosphere a little awkward, because the two of them knew each other well, and they didn’t know each other well, and they didn’t even have formal communication.
"… why did you suddenly study in the seventh district?" Jin Yu stopped quickly adjusting the state sound euphemistically and asked
"The company has arranged to study here for two years," Qin Yu also asked, "Hey, when did you come back from Songjiang?"
"Also some time ago …"
The two found a common topic and sat in the car and chatted.
At 7 o’clock in the evening, the night has completely arrived.
Six military trucks with inspection license plates and passes went out smoothly from the west gate to the planned area.
The motorcade stopped at the famous Lindian Pass for more than twenty minutes.
Immediately after printing the car, I called Qi Lin, "We didn’t see you when we arrived?"
"I see you." Qi Lin restarted the car and shook the headlights directly from the right side of the mountain.
India hangs up the phone to see Qi Lin and others come over with two off-road vehicles and immediately greet them. "Brother, where is your car?"
JiLin glanced at each other and replied, "The car can come at any time. I’ll order some goods first."
"Oh, that’s fine." Immediately after nodding, he turned back and shouted, "Let the brothers check all the boxes."
At the same time, seven youths jumped out of the truck driving building and beat four carriages with weapons.
Cha Meng led three people in overalls and gloves to walk to the team.
"The number is absolutely no problem. Look at the boxes in these four cars. They are all full of yards." India shouted at JiLin and walked over.
"The quantity is quite sufficient." JiLin glanced roughly at the loading of four cars, and he felt that the other party was doing something really. At least the car was indeed full of weapons boxes.
Cha Meng randomly selected a truck and turned it neatly into the carriage. He moved forward along a very narrow aisle. He was able to look at the seller’s staff three or four meters behind and said, "I want to see a box."
"Didn’t you finish the inspection?" Chariots and horses messenger frown replied.
"Brother, there is not enough goods in the box. I have to look at it first." Cha Meng replied in a low voice.
"Let this guy see" Yin shouted a.
Messenger immediately took a crowbar and handed it to Che Chameng.
Cha Meng pried the wooden box with a flat crowbar, stretched out his hand and pulled out a P pistol from the inside, and skillfully dismantled it.
Yin frowned. "This is too thin."
"It’s better to be clear about business." Qi Lin should be cautious at the beginning, and this character is also related to his previous experience
The light in the carriage was very dark, but the inspection was still very careful. After disassembling the pistol, he just wanted to sweep the other goods in the box with a small hand tube and noticed that there was something special about the middle seam barrel of the pistol.
Cha Meng is a brilliant old man who knows guns very well. He noticed that the outer wall of the sewing barrel was printed with a large string of English letters and immediately picked it up and watched it carefully.
"Dude, it’s too conspicuous for these six or seven cars to park here. Hurry up?" Chariots and horses messenger urged 1.
Cha Meng glanced at him, stretched out his hand and hit the second wooden box with a crowbar, and took out a B gun from the inside and dismantled it again.
"What do you mean?" Printing is also a bit urgent.
"Nothing interesting. What happened to the inspection?" JiLin frown asked.
India doesn’t look very good. It’s silent.
About two minutes later, Cha Meng jumped out of the car and said to Qi Lin, "Come and talk to our car."
"Brother, what’s wrong with my goods?" Asked India frown.
"Don’t worry, you wait a minute." Cha Meng waved and dragged Ji Lin to buy his own car.

"Take it, undead soldier!"

Beta Ray Bill roared and waved Raytheon’s hammer, jumped up and rushed straight to the middle school.
Backstage Thor angrily pointed to Beta Ray Bill and shouted, "This trick is to steal from me! This trick is stealing from me! Lemuel Neil’s traction flight is my unique skill! He copied me! He copied me! This shameless guy! "
Next to the Kronan Stone Man, he said frankly, "Er … Raytheon brothers, I think this should not be about plagiarism. After all, there are only a few kinds of hammering methods …"
Passing 18-wheeler, Beta Ray Bill has already flown to Goofy.
But this time goofy didn’t choose to rush straight to the ground, but cast magic to draw an aperture in the middle.
In the middle of the flight, Gao Fei suddenly disappeared in Beta Ray Bill Hammer, lost his target and swung it.
It is very difficult for Beta Ray Bill not only to twist in the middle.
At this time, the magic of flying high is drilled from another direction and changed the trajectory of falling.
Because magic can help Gao Fei to appear in the direction of altruism, this move changed the flight trajectory-the vertical speed in the original falling direction became the horizontal speed of lateral flight, and his gravity accelerated by more than 300 meters, and the impact force hit Beta Ray Bill laterally.
The powerful impact directly overturned Beta Ray Bill in the middle of the game, which made him fall straight to the ground and smashed the floor of the arena.
Stand Grandmaster love narrowed his eyes "these two semi-finals to challenge repair is a lot of money …"
In the background, Thor applauded excitedly.
"Well done! Goofy! Kill this despicable thief! "
"He incredibly dare to steal my hammer! This despicable guy deserves to die! "
When I heard this, the Kronan stone man beside Thor finally couldn’t help asking questions.
"Oh thor brothers saka star gladiator all weapons are not pass? Why do you always say that the horse-faced warrior stole your hammer? "
Thor looked back at the Krunan warrior and said seriously, "Because that hammer is my private property! That hammer is my favorite weapon and my best friend! It’s my partner! I brought it from Asgard! "
"But in the rules of Saka Star Gladiator, all weapons of gladiators should be shared …" Warrior Krunan insisted.
"Oh, my friend …" Thor explained again. "You don’t understand me and this hammer. This hammer is tailor-made by me. We have a special connection so I can lift this hammer …"
"But didn’t the horse-faced warrior also lift this hammer?" The Cronan Stone Man pointed to the arena and wondered, "He also lifted this hammer."
"That’s because …" Torda "Who knows what the hell that guy did to bewitch me? Hammer is a theoretically impossible thing! There must be something fishy about it! That hammer can always be lifted by me alone, and no one else can lift it! "
However, when it comes to the arena, Goofy has landed. He threw away the Raytheon hammer at Beta Ray Bill and held out his hand. Then the Raytheon hammer roared and flew to Goofy.
This magic weapon was taken over by Goofy!
Backstage of the stadium
Krunan stone man stared at Raytheon "? ? ?”
"What did you just say?"
Thor a face of embarrassment "…"
"Well, sometimes … I’m not the only one who can lift this hammer …"
Chapter 72 Goofy VS Beta Ray Bill
See goofy stretched out his hand to summon back the thor hammer fell to the ground beta ray bill eyes flashed a consternation.
Although he has just been in contact with Raytheon hammer for a short time, he has already studied the mechanism of Raytheon hammer-before today’s gladiator, it seems that there are two people in Saka who can lift this hammer. Before Thor fights, everyone can move this hammer, and they will be perfectly suppressed by Raytheon hammer.
Two nights ago, by chance, Betray Bill tried to pick up this hammer while Thor was sleeping. When he found that he could also lift the Raytheon hammer, he did not hesitate to take this magic weapon away.
After all, in the rules of Saka Star Gladiator, all weapons of gladiators can be shared.
But he didn’t expect that his semi-final opponent, Gao Fei, could even hold the Raytheon hammer.
In the background, Thor couldn’t help shouting "Well done, Goofy!" That’s it! Give me a good lesson, this horse-face thief! Give him some color to see see! "
Next to this, the Kronan stone man didn’t understand again. He cocked his head and asked, "Hey, Brother Raytheon, what horse-faced warrior took your hammer? You just call him a despicable thief, but you are happy that this powerful earthman took your hammer?"
"Aren’t you a little double-marked?"
"Uh …" Thor scratched his head in embarrassment. He can’t admit that he and Goofy are old friends, can he?
"That’s because the horse-faced warrior stole the hammer from me, but this earthman took it back from the arena aboveboard. From this point of view, these two things are different in nature!"
Krunan stone man nodded and felt that this explanation made sense.
"Well, let’s keep watching the game, Raytheon."