
### 营养价值

1. **水分**:白菜含水量高达95%以上,能够帮助补充身体所需的水分。


2. **维生素**:白菜含有丰富的维生素C和维生素E,具有抗氧化作用,能增强免疫力,预防感冒,还能帮助皮肤保持健康。
3. **矿物质**:白菜中含有钙、磷、铁、钾等矿物质,有助于骨骼和牙齿的健康,同时钾含量高,有助于调节血压。
4. **膳食纤维**:白菜含有丰富的膳食纤维,能促进肠道蠕动,帮助消化,预防便秘和肠癌。
5. **其他营养成分**:白菜还含有一定量的蛋白质、脂肪、胡萝卜素、硫胺素、尼克酸等营养成分。

### 益处

1. **增强抵抗力**:白菜中的维生素C和维生素E能增强身体抵抗力,预防感冒。
2. **解渴利尿**:白菜干甜味,热量低,含有钾,能帮助排出体内多余盐分,有利尿作用。
3. **通利肠胃**:白菜经过炖煮后易于消化,适合肠胃不佳或病患者食用。
4. **促进消化**:白菜能促进肠壁蠕动,帮助消化,防止大便干燥,保持大便通畅,预防矽肺、乳腺癌、肠癌等疾病。
5. **防癌抗癌**:白菜中含有吲哚-3-甲醛等化合物,能促进人体产生一种重要的酶,有效抑制癌细胞生长和扩散;白菜中的微量元素钼能阻断致癌物质在人体内的生成,达到预防癌症的目的。
6. **美容养颜**:白菜中的维生素C和维生素E能预防皮肤色素沉着,有美容养颜的效果。
7. **降脂减肥**:白菜低脂、低热量,含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于加速新陈代谢,防止便秘和皮下脂肪堆积,对降脂有很好的效果。

### 注意事项

1. **食物相克**:白菜不宜与兔肉、山竹、黄瓜等食物同食,以免引起不适。
2. **适量食用**:对于气虚胃冷的人,不宜多吃白菜,以免引起恶心呕吐。




1. **丰富的碳水化合物和能量来源**:芋头中含有大量的淀粉,其淀粉含量高达70%以上,是优质的能量来源,适合需要补充能量的群体,如运动员或体力劳动者。


2. **增强免疫力**:芋头含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、膳食纤维以及多种维生素和微量元素,这些营养成分能够有效提高机体的免疫力,增强抵抗力,预防疾病。

3. **调节肠道功能**:芋头中的膳食纤维可以促进肠道蠕动,加速排便,有助于润肠通便,同时还能抑制肠道内的有害菌繁殖,维护肠道健康。

4. **降低血糖**:芋头中含有的黏液蛋白能够抑制人体内的血糖升高,对糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **预防肥胖**:芋头是一种低热量、高纤维的食物,食用后能够产生饱腹感,有助于减少进食量,从而预防肥胖。

6. **保护牙齿**:芋头富含氟元素,这种物质能够有效保护牙齿,预防龋齿。

7. **调节酸碱平衡**:芋头是碱性食品,能够中和体内积存的酸性物质,调整人体的酸碱平衡,有助于美容颜、乌头发,还可以用来防治胃酸过多症。

8. **解毒消肿**:芋头含有一种粘液蛋白,被人体吸收后能产生免疫球蛋白,提高机体的抵抗力,包括对癌毒有抑制消解作用,可用来防治肿瘤及淋巴结核等病症。

9. **调补中气**:芋头中的粘液皂素和多种微量元素,有助于机体纠正微量元素缺乏导致的生理异常,有利于促进肠胃的消化。

10. **洁齿作用**:芋头中富含多种成分,如蛋白质、钙、磷、铁、钾、镁、钠等,以及胡萝卜素、烟酸、维生素C、B族维生素等,具有洁齿防蛀、护齿的作用。



1. **增强免疫力**:刺梨片含有丰富的维生素C,维生素C是增强机体免疫力的关键营养素,能够促进抗体的形成,增强对感冒等病毒感染疾病的抵抗力。

2. **抗衰老**:刺梨中含有丰富的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD),这是一种强大的抗氧化物质,能够减少体内自由基的破坏,从而延缓衰老过程。


3. **辅助调节血糖和血脂**:刺梨中的有效成分有助于调节糖脂代谢,对于控制血糖和血脂水平有一定的辅助作用。

4. **促进消化**:刺梨片有助于促进肠胃蠕动,对于消化不良有改善作用,有助于消化系统的健康。

5. **保护器官**:刺梨中的多种微量元素和抗氧化物质有助于保护肝脏、肾脏等器官,增强其功能。


6. **解毒排毒**:刺梨片有助于排出体内的重金属和其他有害物质,有助于身体排毒。

7. **促进发育**:刺梨中的胡萝卜素含量丰富,是维生素A的前体,对于生长发育有益,尤其适合青少年食用。

8. **改善睡眠**:刺梨中的某些成分有助于改善睡眠质量。

9. **防癌抗癌**:刺梨片中的维生素C和其他抗氧化物质有助于抑制癌细胞的生长,具有一定的防癌抗癌作用。

10. **方便食用**:刺梨片易于携带和保存,可以随时食用,适合忙碌的生活节奏。



1. **抗菌消炎**:椴树蜜中含有天然抗菌成分,能够抑制多种细菌的生长,对于咽喉炎、感冒等引起的咳嗽、喉咙痛等症状有缓解作用。

2. **增强免疫力**:椴树蜜含有丰富的氨基酸、矿物质和维生素,能够提高人体免疫力,抵抗疾病的侵袭。


3. **抗氧化**:椴树蜜中的黄酮类化合物和酚类化合物等抗氧化物质,有助于抵抗自由基,保护人体免受氧化损伤,延缓衰老。

4. **滋养润肺**:椴树蜜具有润肺止咳、化痰的功效,对于缓解肺热、咳嗽、痰多等症状有一定疗效。

5. **健脾胃**:椴树蜜能够促进消化酶的分泌,帮助消化吸收,对健脾胃有益。

6. **美容养颜**:椴树蜜中的营养成分对皮肤有滋养、保湿、修复等作用,常食可改善肌肤状况,增加皮肤弹性与光泽。

7. **安神助眠**:椴树蜜含有的矿物质和氨基酸有助于调节神经系统,促进睡眠,适合神经衰弱、睡眠质量不好的人食用。

8. **调节神经系统**:椴树蜜中的成分可以促进酒精的分解,有助于保肝护肝,缓解酒后不适。

9. **提高记忆力**:椴树蜜中的维生素和矿物质有助于营养神经元,提高中枢神经功能,修复脑细胞,提高脑细胞活性。

10. **保护心血管和肝脏**:椴树蜜中的抗氧化物质和有益酶类可以降低胆固醇,防止动脉硬化,保护心血管,修复肝细胞,预防肝病。

11. **改善消化功能**:椴树蜜中的有机酸、活性酶等成分有助于调节肠道菌群,促进消化,防止便秘。

12. **调节血压和血脂**:椴树蜜中的不饱和脂肪酸有助于降低血压和血脂,预防心血管疾病。



1. **镇痛作用**:天麻能够缓解多种疼痛症状,如三叉神经痛、血管神经性头痛、脑血管病头痛、中毒性多发性神经炎等。其制成的天麻注射液在临床应用中,对上述病症的有效率高达90%。

2. **镇静作用**:天麻具有镇静效果,可用于治疗神经衰弱和神经衰弱综合症,有效率达到89.44%和86.87%。它还能抑制中枢兴奋作用,增强睡眠时间效应。

3. **抗惊厥作用**:天麻对于面神经抽搐、肢体麻木、半身不遂、癫痫等有疗效,并能缓解平滑肌痉挛,减轻心绞痛、胆绞痛。

4. **降低血压作用**:天麻能够治疗高血压,长期服用可平肝益气、利腰膝、强筋骨,增加外周及冠状动脉血流量,对心脏有保护作用。

5. **明目、增智作用**:天麻具有明目和增强记忆力的作用,对人的大脑神经系统有明显的保护和调节作用,增强视神经的分辨能力,常用于脑保健食品或药物。


6. **保护神经系统**:天麻中的天麻素和天麻素苷等物质能够保护脑神经免受有害物质的伤害,增强记忆力,预防老年痴呆症。


7. **眼科保护作用**:天麻还能防止视力下降,降低多种眼科疾病发病率。


8. **改善肝阳上亢症状**:天麻质润多液,能养血息风,适用于治疗血虚肝风内动的头痛、眩晕,以及小儿惊风、癫痫、破伤风等。




1. **镇咳平喘**:苦杏仁中含有的苦杏仁苷在体内分解后产生的氢氰酸和苯甲醛,能够对呼吸中枢产生抑制作用,从而起到镇咳和平喘的效果。

2. **润肠通便**:杏仁味苦下气,富含脂肪油,这些成分能够润滑肠道,促进肠道内容物通过,从而有助于润肠通便。


3. **抗炎镇痛**:苦杏仁苷分解产生的苯甲醛可以进一步转化为安息香,安息香具有镇痛作用,可用于缓解疼痛。

4. **抗肿瘤作用**:研究表明,苦杏仁苷可能具有抗肿瘤作用。其机理包括抑制癌细胞的生长、促进癌细胞死亡以及增强免疫系统的功能。

5. **美容作用**:苦杏仁中的脂肪油能够软化皮肤角质层,润燥护肤,有助于保护神经末梢血管和组织器官,同时,产生的氢氰酸还能够抑制酪氨酸酶的活性,从而有助于消除色素沉着、雀斑、黑斑等。

6. **降血糖作用**:苦杏仁苷能够特异性地抑制因抗肿瘤药物阿脲引起的糖尿病症状,降低血糖水平。

7. **对皮肤疾病的治疗**:根据中医理论,苦杏仁对于某些皮肤疾病,如通过宣肺法论治,常能取得良好的效果。


At this time, two tones sounded at the same time. The first one came from Zhang Sanfeng, and the second one came from the news. If the sword has been cut, no one will stop it

It is conceivable that one person can send out the power of three people or even four or five people. It is also a great burden for Wudang Seven Heroes to control this sword array, but it is impossible to do whatever you want if you want to accept it.
Besides, they have already cut out dozens of sword lights, and they can’t take them back even if they want to.
Critical Qin Changfeng can activate the soft defense skills of the golden armor, and at the same time transfer the indestructible force department to the body surface to activate the active mask of the diamond protector to prepare for strong defense and hard resistance to the past.
The dense sword shadow is chopped. First, the protective mask of King Kong is active. After the indestructible force of King Kong gathers on the body surface, his body is instantly dyed with a faint golden light, which can reduce the damage by 2%.
Then there is the basic defense. When soft armor’s self-defense and soft defense skills make King Kong not bad, the extra increase in defense skills makes his armor instantly reach an unprecedented level of terror.
I heard the clanging metal collision in a moment, and Qin Changfeng was drowned like a humanoid bronze bell by the sword of Wudang Four Heroes.
Outsiders, he stood like a rock when Wudang Four Heroes attacked him. In fact, he is being attacked by a first-class martial arts expert at the moment!
No matter how strong the defense is, there is a limit. Qin Changfeng has also cultivated to the fifth floor.
Almost instantly, the golden light on Qin Changfeng’s body surface was chopped to pieces, and then blood appeared on his skin, and more blood flowed out of his mouth and nose. Although he failed to break his skin defense, the sword’s strength and force entered the body, killing his body quickly and shaking the government to form injuries, which caused great extra damage to him.
This is the frequency of Wudang Four Heroes’ attacks on stormy weather, which is restrained by the high armor, instead of all the forces, otherwise Qin Changfeng can’t carry a face-to-face meeting.
"It’s not really so unlucky to die in a fight, is it?"
Consciousness suddenly became a blur, Qin Changfeng felt a trace of death and was besieged by a first-class master. Don’t say that he even said that the cultivation of King Kong is not bad, and I am afraid it is also run here.
Of course, he doesn’t want to die, and he has to fight with others to have fun.
I also want to go to the moon to see if there is a moon palace and Chang ‘e, and I want to rush to the top of the test tower to see what the ultimate goal of training testers is, and I want to go back to the world of flying knives to see if the decade is over …
He still has too much unwilling to enter the trial tower as if he had entered an exhausted nightmare for others, but it was more like starting a second life for Qin Changfeng. From then on, he really found his own value and significance.
However, at this time, the blessing necklace and the elf boots are both made by the brain seal method for unknown reasons, and it seems that there is no other way out of the predicament.
In a crisis, I was extremely unwilling to be conscious, and my body was also induced to respond accordingly.
The original retreat, the indestructible true power suddenly broke out like a cross the rubicon, and fiercely fought back from the abdomen. It was like a seriously injured King Kong Luohan suddenly came back to light and expelled the Qi Department of Wudang. At the same time, the sixth floor of the indestructible magic formula naturally came to mind.
"If you read it, you will stop thinking. If you don’t read it, you will feel that everything is as good as a dream and a bubble is like dew …"
Suddenly there was a buzz in my mind. Qin Changfeng felt that some acupuncture points in the whole body were instantly opened, and the indestructible power of King Kong started a prairie fire as quickly as a single spark, which meant that he finally broke through the limit of the fifth floor and cultivated the indestructible magic power of King Kong to the sixth floor during life and death.
Every third floor is a step, especially for Qin Changfeng, because he can enlighten the auxiliary skills of King Kong’s indestructible magic!
The sixth floor of King Kong’s indestructible magic was not unexpected, and it gave him a second accessory skill named King Kong Lei Spine Aura!
Vajra, Thorn, Aura, Vajra, Immortality, Tier 6 Accessory Skill
Skill level exclusive (non-reinforcement)
Attribute says passive. This skill is born from the combination of thunder power and indestructible magic power in your talent. Because this skill will be attacked by all enemies who attack you every time, the additional attack range of indestructible power is 1 meter. At the same time, the thunder paralysis ability in your talent characteristics will have the same probability to be triggered by the counterattack of Vajra thorn!
Evaluation Remember that this is neither a defensive skill nor an offensive skill, nor an auxiliary skill, but a control skill, a control skill, a control skill! ! !
Qin Changfeng came in a daze to take a look at the skill introduction and fell into a coma because of his physical injury. In the past, this kind of deep consciousness coma was relieved even by the passive ability of King Kong’s protector.
But before the coma, he vaguely saw that Song Yuanqiao and Zhang Cuishan suddenly had a dull face and were obviously paralyzed on the spot
In the same rage, the three great monks of Shaolin took the opportunity to pounce and instantly beat the two of them to fly …
They were paralyzed as soon as they met each other, not because they were unlucky enough to trigger the 5%1% paralysis probability just once, but because their sword light for Qin Changfeng was composed of seven swords in succession, which means that after Qin Changfeng’s rebound aura skill was activated, they were judged less than five or six times, and it is not too outrageous that two of the four people were caught.
Of course, luck is still very big, but if Qin Changfeng is awake, he will laugh at it-luck is also a kind of strength!
No matter how tough this second accessory skill is, it has been revealed, but it is also reasonable. You should know that if you follow the normal six-layer indestructible magic, he is already the strong one among the testers at the captain level, and the strength of the testers at the same level is definitely stronger than the plot characters!

The protoss invaded again!

The sky is wild and shaking!
"The situation is critical. Where is Luo Huang?"
There was a cry in the middle of the day.
No one responded.
"Where are the other emperors of Xianwuzong?"
The bodhi old zu, the emperor of all major races, appeared and looked indecisive.
Among them, Shi Jian Ji, whose dimly discernible peak is cold, soft and chubby, has also come out to the middle school all day.
Cold and soft four-person cultivation has not yet reached the emperor, but they have all entered the ancestral realm.
The emperor and the bodhi old zu appeared in all the major forces of the Terran Xianmen, Buddhism and Magic Gate.
Among several fierce families, the Wu clan was destroyed by the blood vine clan and the blood devil Taoist clan. Now there are six fierce families left: the dragon barbarian clan, the Kun clan, the Eye of the Eye clan, the Luo Cha clan and the Sun clan.
These six fierce emperors have also appeared.
The Dragon Emperor is black dragon Emperor Yunlong Emperor, who was once an old friend of Wu Huang.
Black dragon yellow is the dragon blood with five claws.
Yunlong Emperor was once a lone cloud mounted by Wu Huang.
Dragon burning has soared, and now the dragon is the master of black dragon Huang and Yunlong Emperor.
"Come to the Palace of Secrets first!"
At this time, a sound entered the ears of everyone.
This sound comes from this generation of speakers.
In this life, I said that people used to be Lin Xuanji’s younger brother and have entered the realm of the emperor.
The emperors of the ten thousand families have torn the virtual arrival in the palace of the cat.
"What’s the matter?"
The barbarian emperor frowned and said, "How could the protoss suddenly break the seal and break into the wild?"
Jade Emperor in the mouth of the barbarian emperor is reading Qi.
Xiao Pang shook his head and said, "Reading Qi’s talent can’t fix an accident. It has already soared to the world. Now Jade Emperor, the mainland of God, should be someone else."
"What should I do now? Luo Huang is missing. I just explored it and almost."
Said people look at all sink and ask a way
Luo Huang is a strong man who has risen in the past thousand years. Luo Ao has a spiritual root, which breaks the routine and can make fellow practitioners in the immortal martial arts practice and finally seal the emperor!
It can be said that after Wu Huang’s era, Luo Huang was the most dazzling Uber!
Emperor Luo founded Xianwuzong, attracting more than half of the practitioners in the wild all day, the biggest sect in the mainland!
Normally, when this happens in the wild, Luo Huang should come out and lead the wild family to resist foreign enemies.
Also, he has the prestige and strength.
But now Luo Huang’s whereabouts are unknown, and Xianwuzong has lost all his mind at the moment.
Yunlong emperor look dignified way "protoss this menacing even won’t let it go"
In Archaean times, the protoss invaded the wild and were killed by the gods, and suffered heavy losses in Kunlun market.
In fact, these two continents have blood feuds that are difficult to resolve!

Jade bodhi old zu aggressive to forget dust el nino came running, provoked two people qi qi a surprised stagger ran towards the surrounding mountains and rivers.

Looking at the three people running around the mountain, they are all angry. "I haven’t talked yet! Forget the dust this wench is more and more crazy "
"Keep the truth!" Taiping ancestor sullenly clutched the imperial map and looked at the opposite fox god. He suddenly showed the imperial map and smashed the fox god. Then he broke the passage and stopped in front of xi he in the dry day.
"I’ve seen my ancestor for a million years, but I still don’t see his style." Dry days took a ceremony at Taiping’s ancestor.
"I didn’t know that you were raised! Who helped you? " Taiping’s ancestor looked gloomy.
Listening to the words of Taiping’s ancestor, he held out his hand and stopped xi he behind him. "You can go to the rotary heavenly palace and give it to me."
Xi he smell speech nodded quasi-fairy facing the godfather, which is a qualitative difference. xi he did not hesitate to retreat immediately.
"I didn’t expect you to hide under my nose all the time." The father of Taiping ignored xi he’s departure, and his eyes looked sullenly at the dry day opposite.
"It’s also a cycle of retribution in heaven, thanks to your help. Otherwise, if I form a world, I will become a celestial emperor and then become a quasi-fairy." I didn’t expect you to be so stubborn after millions of years, but you don’t change your talents. If you don’t decline, it’s too unreasonable. "
"Keep true! Did you ever treat you badly when you were presumptuous? I have all kinds of treasures in Taiping Road. You get lucky and squander them. But what about you? How did you do it? If it weren’t for your broken heart, how could Hongjun be forced away by me? "Taiping’s ancestor slowly took out the imperial map." Today, I will put you into reincarnation and call you a fruit to ashes to see you as arrogant. "
At this time, the battle of the nether world has also undergone a subtle change due to the resurrection of Shouzhen. The fiend wondered, "I didn’t expect that the dry day was actually Shouzhen, and I kept doing things in the eyelids of Taiping’s ancestors, but it was really fun to be blessed by Taiping’s ancestors again and again! Taiping this fellow is to raise a tiger and bring it on yourself. "
"Quasi-fairy is an insurmountable gap. Even if it is proved that the emperor’s law embodies the law, the light can not escape the repression of Taiping’s ancestors. You know, Taiping is now detached and can be enslaved forever." Like a god, it is unhurried
"Keep the truth?" Terran SIRS Godfather’s eyes flickered a little slower, and the attack range of the strong in the nether world was much smaller for a while. Pairs of eyes looked at the emptiness and looked at Taiping as if dealing with this matter.
Jade jingshan jade bodhi old zu gently sigh "what a pity! Do you think bodhi old zu should I shoot? "
Jade bodhi old zu to jade Duxiu side provoked their jade Duxiu "nonsense! The ancestors of Taiping Sect can be civilized, and all the quasi-strong people can dry the sky. Although the emperor’s law is somewhat unique, it is also a quasi-fairy. Who do you expect to shoot if you don’t shoot? "
Jade bodhi old zu smells words and thinks about it. Jade Duxiu’s dry sky is an old enemy. I wish it would die like this, and then my wife and children will die in a nest. The rest of the ancestors are held back and can’t come out to stop the demon clan from watching the fun. The magic protoss is laughing constantly.
Taiping’s ancestor didn’t bother to say anything about the dry weather, but he just wanted to shake the small world and press it towards the dry weather.
In the dry sky, the place where the whole body roars is shattered. When you meet the emperor’s law, all the laws will be suppressed. Even the law of Fu Yong, the founder of Taiping, will be suppressed by the emperor’s law.
The palm of your hand held out a golden seal, which was held in your hand by a dry day. Seeing that the seal in the hand of a dry day cut through the air, the seal was suppressed towards the emperor of Taiping. The characters "I was ordered to live in Yongchang" exuded a boundless fluctuation, and the emperor of Taiping became slow and was hit by the seal of dry day.
The golden light of the imperial map fell into the hands of the Taiping ancestor. Looking at the other side, the face of the Taiping ancestor changed. "Some doorways are no wonder that they dare to be so publicity."
Talking, the emperor in the hands of the Taiping ancestor turned into chaos, and the disappearance of the prosperous rivers was chaotic and printed towards the dry sky.
"You’re still young. Taiping is not an ordinary ancestor. You still have some hope of running for your life in the face of Taiping, but if you say Taiping recklessly, it’s a bit overreaching. Are you Hongjun?"
Jade bodhi old zu jumped out in the virtual and instantly pushed the dry sky in front of the imperial map, and the Qing Hui flashed a punch and smashed it towards the emperor map of Taiping.
The imperial map fell back into the hands of the Taiping ancestor, and the jade ancestor did not move there.
"Jade, this is a private affair. Are you going to intervene in it to block the beam?" Taiping’s ancestor looked gloomy.
Jade bodhi old zu with both hands looked at Taiping ancestor "peace! You’re not a little bullying. You want to be shameless? Besides, xi he has long been covered by the bodhi old zu, and it is well known to all the people in the world. Do you want the bodhi old zu and me? "
"The bodhi old zu is arguing irrationally." The ancestor of Taiping was livid.
"No! No! It’s not that I argue irrationally, but that the bodhi old zu is a higher generation than that dry day. This is the dry day when I personally pardoned the bodhi old zu. I was the first person in the Heavenly Palace, and the dry day was covered by the bodhi old zu. Whoever bullied me without my permission was hitting the bodhi old zu in my face. "Jade bodhi old zu said with his waist.
Jade bodhi old zu, this bastard, discussed and argued that the Taiping ancestor felt that he was justified in playing the lute to a scholar. "That’s a dry day and private forgiveness. My ancestor can’t admit it, so he can’t do it correctly."
"Why do not accurate? At the beginning, the ministers made three obeisances and nine knocks at Ling Xiao, so why couldn’t they do it correctly? " Jade bodhi old zu angrily denounced the Taiping ancestor.
The ancestor of Taiping was too lazy to pester the jade ancestor and directly asked, "Does the ancestor have to make me do the right thing?"
"I don’t want you to do the right thing, but the bodhi old zu is the most reasonable!" Jade bodhi old zu laughs at
Looking at the imperial map in the hands of the jade bodhi old zu Taiping ancestor, it slowly rolled up into a pike. "Since the bodhi old zu wants to help others stand out, that one is also welcome. In recent years, I feel that I have made great progress in repairing it. Today, I took the opportunity to ask the bodhi old zu for advice."
Talking, the emperor turned chaotic in the hands of the Taiping ancestor, and a pike stabbed the jade bodhi old zu in the past.
Jade bodhi old zu hey smile "if you can break the old jade, you are fine"
Listening to the words of the bodhi old zu jade, many strong people secretly scold the shame of E Shinto. "This old deathlessly got the source of heaven and earth in the past, and the pure air condensed the jade body. The most overbearing thing is that it is better than heaven. If it weren’t for the concerted efforts of Qi Xin and Gan Kun in the past, it would have stopped chopping this old thing for millions of years. Now this old deathlessly relies on the jade body to harm people."
"That’s it! Exactly! Something is not jade. "Cow God said sullenly.
"I don’t know which one is stronger and which one is weaker than the jade body of our fiend!" The centipede bodhi old zu waved his claws and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.
"Sit tight! And look at the means of both sides. "
Chapter 272 Suppression of the nether world fairy
Looking at the jade opposite, the bodhi old zu Taiping almost fainted. This old thing is too shameful. Is it true that jade can be broken by himself? It is necessary for the strong Qi Xin to work together.
However, this old thing has been suppressed for millions of years. How can it give everyone another chance to besiege?
The scroll in the hands of the Taiping ancestor became chaotic, and the rune filled the air. The pike stabbed the jade ancestor in the past. The jade bodhi old zu was careless, and his hands seemed to be full of decoration, which was generally intoxicating and sinking, as if all the mysteries of the heavens and the earth were hidden in it.
Taiping’s ancestor pike was blown away by the jade bodhi old zu with a punch. The jade bodhi old zu hey hey smiled. "Taiping, you have to know that the bodhi old zu is an era earlier than you. This gap is not so easy to make up for the gap between the strong and the strong. There is also a gap between the strong and the strong."

"This? !” Lead the child with a dull face and then a wink toward Hu Tianda shouted, "This is the most basic tool among the ever-changing schools of pen and machine deformation! You don’t even know this? !”

Just formed a good impression and suddenly swayed.
"Hehe," Hu Tianxiao asked with a smile, "What’s wrong with this ever-changing machine pen?"
Lead the child’s black face because of just a pre-announced good hand to hand over to treat Hu Tianru such as making this ever-changing machine pen.
"Oh-!" Hu Tian’s long tone was white, and he was pleasantly surprised, "It’s amazing! People who sent this machine pen are very good!"
The child took a clap on his forehead and looked at Hu Tiandao suspiciously. "This machine pen has gradually developed and improved. It is said that the originator has to go back to ancient times when the school of shapeshifters was the golden age of development and growth."
Hu Tian pulled out a ball with various button machine tools and asked, "What the hell is this?"
Pick up the child’s hands and pick up the hat. Lotus leaves are generally crazy. "Please! This is a basic tool for making a specific shape of spar! "
"So that’s it!" Hu Tian looked suddenly enlightened and suddenly asked, "What’s wrong with this grinder?"
The child’s face suddenly became dull …
After a full five hours, the child was completely collapsed in the rosette and looked up vigorously and shouted "God …" and stretched out his little hand to make a bird’s paw twitch.
Hu-day finally made these machine tools white. It was the first time that he really came into contact with these machine tools. His interest increased greatly and he couldn’t help but try to fiddle with them with his fingers.
He thought about auditioning first and getting familiar with a tool, so he secretly referred to the previous car architecture scheme and these tools abruptly built a car.
Section 25 uniting the machine genius!
The streamlined car shell, the four-wheel steering wheel, the pedal engine and even the windshield are all well done. This world of repairing reality is the main energy source of SPAR. When Hu Tian’s brain moved, he learned to sell it now, transforming the original cylinder engine into SPAR to start it.
Since he changed the wishful crystal skull, his mind has been fast flashing and his understanding has greatly increased. After the successful assembly of the airplane and car, it has become out of control, and the airplane, ship, vacuum cleaner, tuner, TV, radio, range hood, solar water heater, etc. can be changed, but it can not be changed, and it can also create a seven-point shape into half and put it aside.
The childlike innocence was already in ruins, and Hu Tian had been completely desperate, but his face gradually changed when he put all this into his eyes.
Especially when he looks at the machine made by Hu Tian one by one, his face expression is even more wonderful, sometimes shocking, sometimes sneering and changing at the poles!
Hu Tianzhi’s technique is so immature and rough that the children can’t even look at it, so they scoff. However, the creativity contained in these machines has taught this child who has been following the clever layman for many years that he can’t help but show a shocking look!
"Exquisite ideas and simple principles. All kinds of simple components can be combined to form such complicated and wonderful functions. This is such an idea! ! ! !”
Pick up the child and shout out in his heart that he just looks at Hu-day, who is working hard and suddenly doesn’t feel the sight.
The lead child suddenly patted his little head and thought of the key. He asked Hu Tian urgently, "Hey, hey, aren’t you a mechanic who didn’t practice much at ordinary times?"
Hu Tianyi shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Of course, when I don’t have any spare self-cultivation skills, what’s more complicated and famous for practicing mechanics?"
"Sure enough," the boy couldn’t help rolling his Adam’s apple and pointing to Hu Tian’s artifacts. "Tell me honestly how you came up with these things?"
Hu Tianwen suddenly realized that these things were all his past lives. Naturally, even if they were, they had the same function. The structure was very different because the two worlds had different thinking viewpoints, and the starting point was even different. He originally planned to practice hand-in-hand instruction, but he misunderstood it. It was all his creativity.
"Just think" Hu-day shrugged and said nothing.
"Genius! ! ! ! !” It’s like a bolt from the blue to type these two characters in a child’s heart! He has been practicing hard and sharp with the vision of the clever layman for many years. I don’t know that Hu Tian’s talent is really a genius of practicing mechanical skills, and it is even more rare that his concept has not been completed. It is simply the most suitable person for the clever layman in this world!
"’m if you leave one step later, you will see that you have to accept your brother even in your dreams! It’s perfect! " After the child looked up and sighed, he suddenly had an impulse to cry at the thought of the clever layman.
"ah! Finally, you are ready to take a look at this. "Hu Tian said that he handed a hummingbird in his hand to the child."
The guide boy turned around in front of the hummingbird and found that the hummingbird power system was very wonderful, but a magnet was installed on the left and right wings to flip, suck and repel, which led to the hummingbird wings flapping and rising.