
1. **缓解压力、改善睡眠**:盐源玛瑙被认为具有舒缓压力的效果,对于经常性失眠和焦虑的人来说,佩戴盐源玛瑙有助于改善睡眠质量。

2. **美容养颜**:由于盐源玛瑙含有多种矿物质和微量元素,佩戴时这些物质会进入体内,促进皮肤血液循环,从而达到美容养颜的效果。

3. **增强自信**:盐源玛瑙的颜色丰富,佩戴在身上不仅能提升气质,还能增强人的自信心,对从事创作工作的人来说,还能激发灵感。

4. **按摩作用**:长时间佩戴盐源玛瑙,玛瑙与皮肤接触摩擦,能起到按摩肌肉、缓解疲劳的作用。


5. **保心利脾**:盐源玛瑙被认为具有保心利脾的作用,有助于增强人体部分机能。

6. **消灾解难、保佑平安**:盐源玛瑙也被视为具有驱邪避凶的功效,佩戴它可以给家人带来平安,消灾解难。

7. **提升审美和装饰作用**:盐源玛瑙色彩丰富,具有很高的观赏价值,同时作为饰品,也能起到很好的装饰作用。



1. **蛋白质互补**:黑豆和红腰豆都是优质的植物蛋白来源。黑豆含有18种氨基酸,特别是人体必需的8种氨基酸,而红腰豆也含有丰富的蛋白质。两者同煮可以相互补充,提高蛋白质的吸收利用率。


2. **营养均衡**:黑豆具有滋肾补肾、补血明目之功效,富含多种矿物质如钙、磷、铁等,以及胡萝卜素、维生素B1、B2、B12等营养素。红腰豆则富含膳食纤维、钾元素等,两者同煮可以使营养更加均衡。


3. **利水消肿**:红腰豆具有利水消肿的作用,可以帮助身体排除多余水分,对于水肿有一定的缓解作用。

4. **抗衰老**:黑豆中含有丰富的抗氧化物质如花青素、维生素E等,可以帮助清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。

5. **促进消化**:黑豆和红腰豆都容易消化,适合脾胃虚弱的人群食用,有助于改善消化功能。

6. **补血养颜**:黑豆和红腰豆都具有补血的功效,对于血虚、面色苍白的人群有一定的改善作用。


7. **增强免疫力**:两者都含有丰富的营养素,可以增强机体的免疫力,提高抗病能力。



1. **美观提升**:健康的秀发通常看起来更加光泽、柔顺,给人留下良好的第一印象。

2. **自信增强**:拥有一头美丽的秀发可以增强个人的自信心,有助于社交和职场表现。

3. **心理健康**:秀发的健康与人的心理健康密切相关。头发护理得当,有助于减少焦虑和压力。

4. **身体营养状况的反映**:头发是身体营养状况的“镜子”,通过观察头发,可以了解身体的健康状况。

5. **社交能力**:在社交场合,整洁的头发可以提升个人的社交能力,有助于建立良好的人际关系。


6. **文化意义**:在许多文化中,头发象征着生命力、纯洁和尊贵。

7. **职业形象**:在许多职业中,头发的外观对职业形象有着重要的影响,整洁的头发有助于提升职业形象。

8. **个人风格**:头发是个人风格的重要组成部分,不同的发型可以展现不同的个性。

9. **日常便利**:健康的头发更易于打理,可以节省时间和精力。

10. **文化传承**:在一些文化中,特定的发型和发饰承载着特定的文化意义和传承。


– **合理饮食**:保证摄入足够的蛋白质、维生素和矿物质,如铁、锌、维生素A、C和E等。
– **科学洗护**:选择适合自己发质的洗发水和护发素,避免使用刺激性强的化学产品。
– **避免过度热造型**:减少使用吹风机、卷发棒等高温工具,以免损伤头发。
– **定期修剪**:定期修剪发梢,去除分叉和损伤的发丝。


– **避免过度牵拉**:减少头发拉扯,如不经常扎紧马尾辫等。
– **保持头皮健康**:使用适合的头皮护理产品,如头皮精华等,保持头皮清洁和健康。




1. **镇咳平喘**:苦杏仁中含有的苦杏仁苷在体内分解后产生的氢氰酸和苯甲醛,能够对呼吸中枢产生抑制作用,从而起到镇咳和平喘的效果。

2. **润肠通便**:杏仁味苦下气,富含脂肪油,这些成分能够润滑肠道,促进肠道内容物通过,从而有助于润肠通便。


3. **抗炎镇痛**:苦杏仁苷分解产生的苯甲醛可以进一步转化为安息香,安息香具有镇痛作用,可用于缓解疼痛。

4. **抗肿瘤作用**:研究表明,苦杏仁苷可能具有抗肿瘤作用。其机理包括抑制癌细胞的生长、促进癌细胞死亡以及增强免疫系统的功能。

5. **美容作用**:苦杏仁中的脂肪油能够软化皮肤角质层,润燥护肤,有助于保护神经末梢血管和组织器官,同时,产生的氢氰酸还能够抑制酪氨酸酶的活性,从而有助于消除色素沉着、雀斑、黑斑等。

6. **降血糖作用**:苦杏仁苷能够特异性地抑制因抗肿瘤药物阿脲引起的糖尿病症状,降低血糖水平。

7. **对皮肤疾病的治疗**:根据中医理论,苦杏仁对于某些皮肤疾病,如通过宣肺法论治,常能取得良好的效果。


"Yuan Qing, since you want to die, I will become you." Bai Ying’s death hole is Baiyun, and now the black ape is coming to make trouble. How could this happen to her?

If it’s a face-to-face battle, even if the black ape loses, it can’t be done by Bai Ying so easily.
Nine times out of ten, he will return to his lair alive.
However, who can know the unknown before?
After being angered by Yang Guang, the black ape directly gave his back to the show strength, which is stronger than his enemy. What is this not death?
"Hum makes a winner, princes lose, thieves lose, but I, Yuan Qing, will never compete with human beings." The black ape capsized in the gutter this time with Yang Guang as a variable.
Without Yang Guang, the five demon soldiers of the male tiger would not die physically, and when he faced Bai Ying, he would not expose his death hole to the other side to attack.
"Stubborn" directly regarded the provocative and disdainful words of the black ape by Bai Ying.
Former Yang Guang is still thinking that he should kill the black ape like Bai Ying together. Not now.
Because when the black ape was seriously injured and could not move, Bai Ying struck the iron while it was hot and scratched the black ape’s head.
You can’t die again
Didn’t even give me a chance to say my last words.
Black ape, it’s too bad for him to die. It’s too wrong for him to open a demon general monster beast to die so tragically.
Didn’t even make half of its own strength, so it died.
But people can’t come back to life after death, and black apes don’t have the ability to turn back time.
What else can I do?
He can’t even die unsatisfied. After all, he has no head and was caught by Bai Ying’s huge claws, so he is not closing his eyes.
Yu Yaodan?
Not worried
This black ape demon Dan was not born in his head but in his chest and abdomen.
Chapter two hundred and ten Kill the ape and seize the treasure
Black apes have gone up in smoke for nearly a hundred years.
Even the body is protected by law.
In this law of the jungle monster, there is no concept of burial. Once he dies, nothing valuable will be kept, especially as the demon will almost be a treasure.
Black ape flesh and blood are precious, fur is precious.
Even thick tendons can be made into weapons.
What’s more, where is the most valuable demon Dan?
Even Bai Ying is quite jealous.
"poof!" Bai Ying directly inserted his claws into the chest and abdomen of the black ape and took out a pill the size of a fist from the inside. This is the so-called black ape demon Dan, but the essence of the demon-level black ape body is in it.
At this moment, Bai Ying couldn’t help smiling, because this thing is very powerful. If she wants her son to swallow the demon and digest the demon Dan, then he will soon be able to break through to the realm of the demon.
That is a new level of life.
And their mother and son are completely possessed of the money to settle down. Generally speaking, there will not be two third-order animals in a territory.
Most of them choose to stand on their own feet
Yang Guangbai, since one thing has solved the black ape thing so quickly, then the next thing will be avoided
Sure enough, Bai Ying still said, "What do you think of Yuan Qing?"
"Huh?" Yang guang heard Bai ying one leng, because his former counterpart would ask himself why he came here, and more importantly, Yang guang was beyond imagination.
But Yang Guang didn’t think that Bering had asked an ambiguous question.
What is this?
"It’s pretty bad," Yang Guang casually said, and then added, "However, it’s still not as bad as Tiger King’s predecessors."
"Ha ha" Bai Ying smiled.
Even if she doesn’t turn into a human figure but a white tiger, she can see that she looks happy.
However, for a moment, she said to herself, "When I first came to this site, I was rejected by the monsters here. This black ape once came to find fault with me, but he was not very strong, or I was lucky not to be besieged by him."
In Fiona Fang, Baili is not only a black ape with a third-order animal, but also other creatures. If the black ape could contact other demon generals at that time, Bai Ying would probably get cold.
Maybe it’s really a strange land.
The most dangerous time was when the black ape invited two primary demons to pin down the siege of Bai Ying in the future. Later, Yuan Qing didn’t come to harass because he was scared by Bai Ying
How to be afraid?
Nature is because Bai Ying has to be a black ape even at the risk of serious injury.
What black ape is afraid of?

The light beam passed away in a flash.

Lin Yang and Wu Sangui also disappeared from the Luo Mountain.
"Damn it, it’s too late. Is this smelly little guy really related to our family?"
Not long after Lin Yang and Wu Sangui were sent away, Lin Yang had heard the shrill voice again.
An old man with gray hair and thin eyes appeared where they had just disappeared.
Beside the old man, a middle-aged man dressed as a scribe was followed.
After hearing the old man’s complaint, he frowned and asked, "What’s so good about the small one at the age of nine? Every time you appear, you are in a hurry? "
The old man sighed lightly, "Showing off this little ability, though not so good, is the only way out for us from Mount Luo. I believe you can see it. Now the aura in Mount Luo is getting thinner and thinner. We can’t help but make plans early …"
The middle-aged man handed over and said, "Nine-year-old really shows foresight."
"Come on, show off, I won’t make these pleasantries. When you were alive, you almost entered the cabinet. Can’t you see this?"
The old man smiled and shook his head, then frowned and looked at the direction of mountains and seas.
"A vision here must have shocked Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou. If these two people see us, it will be bad. Let’s go …"
The old man and middle-aged man soon disappeared into the dense jungle again.
At the same time, Lin Yang and Wu Sangui left Mount Luo and returned to his own Yushan.
"Fang Fang"
As soon as he entered Yushan, Wu Sangui saw Chen Yuanyuan, who had been missing for more than 300 years, and immediately rushed over excitedly and held Chen Yuanyuan in his arms.
"You know what? Although I have become a ghost, I have been thinking about you and me. You have been reincarnated and we have no chance to meet again, but I didn’t expect that we can meet again today. "
Chen Yuanyuan leng for a moment that stretched out his arms around Wu Sangui waist.
Two lines of clear tears flowed from her beautiful eyes.
But in Wu Sangui and Chen Yuanyuan, when you were married after a long separation, a voice full of resentment, anger and murder exploded like thunder in Yushan. "Wu San … Gui … Kill!" A piercing knife light suddenly bloomed with poor fighting spirit and murderous look toward Wu Sangui.
Chapter 352 Triangular feud bitter drama?
"What’s the situation?"
Although Wu Sangui was shocked by the sudden change, his military career for many years made his body react correctly at the first time.
He suddenly turned to protect Chen Yuanyuan behind him, and at the same time quickly pulled out the colchicine Yanling knife across his waist, stepped half a step in front of his left foot, and cut it with his hands. The bright knife light and blood-colored soul fire came out of him and wound it around the colchicine Yanling knife, making it look as if it had just killed ten million people, and it was as deafening as dripping blood. The metal impact suddenly resounded in Yushan, and even the male man who was roaming in the rolling dark clouds was attracted by this explosion. It looked at it with nine heads twisted and ten pairs of eyes.
"Thief Li Zicheng?"
It was not until this moment that Wu Sangui found out that the attack on him was a glittering and translucent jade knife.
Holding this jade knife is none other than his old rival-Li Zicheng, the King of Rush. At this moment, Li Zicheng is furious and looks extremely ferocious because of anger. "Wu Sangui, you are a faithless bastard. You pretended to surrender and then launched a sneak attack. You led the Qing army into ruining my Dashun Dynasty. Today, I must behead your head to pay homage to those heroic soldiers who died in Dashun."
Roar to roar Li Zicheng hand holding a jade knife is a moment also don’t stop frantically cut toward Wu Sangui.
Wu Sangui didn’t good the spirit replied while dancing knife to resist "cut my head? Are you kidding me? We have been dead for many years. I’m afraid the body has already rotted and turned into dust. Where is there any head to cut for you? "
"I’m … dead?" Li Zicheng startled one leng hand offensive immediately YiHuan.
"Nonsense. Of course you died, and you died before me."
Although Li Zicheng suspended the offensive, Wu Sangui did not take the opportunity to counterattack.
Because he didn’t know Li Zicheng and Lin Yang, and he didn’t know what Lin Yang thought of their struggle, he was on guard and pushed Chen Yuanyuan to a relatively safe place
Unlike Wu Sangui, after his death, Li Zicheng’s soul entered the jade knife and became a jade soul. Although it has been more than 300 years, his soul has been in the jade knife in a state similar to a seal.
In this case, all his memories were sealed together, and he didn’t get back some memories until he met Wu Sangui, the old enemy in his life.
Li Zicheng frowned and closed his eyes, recalling the memories of the scenes before his death.
A moment later, he opened his eyes again, and his eyes were full of excitement, and there was no longer the previous muddled situation.
In Wu Sangui, the old enemy stimulated Li Zicheng to completely restore his memory before his death. "You are right, I am dead and you are dead …" He sighed and looked full of vicissitudes and desolation.
See Li Zicheng this picture Wu Sangui breath a sigh of relief "is ah you and I are dead are ghosts and will struggle with those contradictions? Now that you and I are both working for the master, we should unite as one … "
Before his words were finished, the knife in Li Zicheng’s hand suddenly came at him again.
Wu Sangui quickly brandished a knife to block a Dangdang weapon.
Just when the two enemies were too close to each other and the knives were desperately fighting, Lin Yang finally couldn’t see the past and stopped drinking. "Stop it!"
Wu Sangui is Lin Yang’s soul, so it is natural to obey his orders. Although Li Zicheng is not a soul, he is a jade soul in a jade knife. He is also branded by Lin Yang’s soul and wants to obey his orders.
After Linyang’s departure, Li Zicheng was able to stop attacking Wu Sangui, although he was unwilling. He didn’t want to beat him long ago. He finally reunited with Chen Yuanyuan, the love of his life. He is looking forward to a better future life. How can he be willing to fight hard with Li Zicheng, a bachelor?
Look at the eyes Li Zicheng then at the eyes Wu Sangui Lin Yang didn’t directly move the soul brand to stop the two men fighting, but the tone was flat and he said, "Fighting can but can’t destroy each other’s souls."
Wu Sangui smell speech one leng, he also Lin Yang will ban private fighting, but I didn’t expect to get such a reply.

The red wolf is a little afraid of his predecessors, but he still shouts out that he is adding potential. "I am the demon guard of the red wolf!" How dare you hurt my dead body today! "

The young man turned slightly to the cold leopard cold flame demon and said, "What about you?"
The cold leopard is indifferent by nature, but it is also straightforward and straightforward. "The demon domain demon is handsome and the cold leopard demon guards."
The helmet of the cold flame demon Lord makes people unable to see what it looks like. At this moment, she is saying, "Do you want to be one enemy and three enemies?"
The teenager suddenly smiled mysteriously and said, "Cold Flame Devil, you and I might as well let go of the middleman and show me that everyone present has the courage to hurt Taikoo’s younger brother."
The Lord of Cold Flame wondered, "Are you from Taikoomen?"
The teenager immediately replied "yes and no"
The Red Wolf Demon Guard heard that the conversation between the two people was already impatient and irritable, and it was a sneak attack again than the shape of a wolf claw Yao Tian!
The young man looked at the Lord of the Cold Flame, but he fully understood the action of the Red Wolf and shook his head. "I hate the evil generation most. You are not worthy of death!"
The teenager who finished speaking is also a flash of ice marks on the moon. The figure disappears in a flash, leaving only the teenager in sight to meet the red wolf’s sneak attack!
Strong fist strength to meet the red wolf’s paw strength is mutually compatible, but the cold flame demon is also very rich in experience in profound warfare, but it is obvious that teenagers will kill their hearts!
"This red wolf is the chosen person of the demon commander. If he dies, I can bear the wrath of the demon commander!"
The Lord of Cold Flame saw that the Red Wolf was in crisis, and the magic shadow flashed and threw itself at the teenager.
But this time she didn’t choose to sneak attack but appeared from the front of the teenager to try to resist the blow!
"You don’t have to intervene!"
The red wolf roars unexpectedly, but the demon Lord gets in the way. The wolf’s paw has focused on his ten-layer capability and directly grasped the young head.
With the wind, the young man attacked the cold flame demon Lord, and suddenly the whole person surged like a dragon, emitting a strong something congenial that actually flashed past the cold flame demon Lord by rotating force.
The Lord of Cold Flame was frightened, but when he looked back, he saw that the red wolf’s eyes were wide open and almost broke out with a sword in his heart!
The wrist pulls back the sword and slowly pulls it out. Seeing that this sword is full of blood gives people a sense of poison. It’s a shocking evil soldier!
From the end, in a short time, the red wolf demon guard didn’t give a gasp and scream, as if he had been sucked to the vitality, and suddenly his human form dissipated and a red giant wolf fell towards the ground.
Chapter one hundred and forty-three Deterrent the Lord
In the red wolf, there is no Yuan God out-of-body experience. That’s because his Yuan God has been swallowed up by a long sword, leaving only his body. The lotus flower of the long sword will disappear in a flash.
"Red Wolf body and five elements belong to fire, but it is also a good refining material."
As soon as the boy’s palm turned over, he didn’t even let go of the red wolf’s body, so he took it in his pocket.
Cold flame demon Lord heart shock extremely andao "how could this young posture be so swift-"
Seeing the young man’s sword, he fought and killed the red wolf demon Wei Hanbao. He was furious. The red wolf was collected by the demon handsome many years ago. At this moment, the red wolf was actually killed. The cold leopard’s eyes flashed with heinous murder and he chose to sneak attack again. He wanted the young man to die!
The cold leopard demon guard is a demon who has been practicing for more than two thousand years. Because of the strange cold in his place, he also practiced a collar, and then the demon handsome brought him into the demon guard red wolf. Although his personality is different, he has also experienced life and death battles several times.
The advantage of the cold leopard is that the leopard is quick and flexible, plus it absorbs the cold all the year round and gets a part of the support from the demon handsome.
At this moment, he transformed himself into a human figure and hid himself in his fists, displaying a demon, handsome and close to the cold wind, and suddenly appeared behind the teenager, and his fists were caught in the cold wind!
"Hum sneak attack generation ever thought that others would also attack?"
Young indifference that blood-red sword instantly back scabbard young whole person breath from real to virtual unexpectedly an incredible trajectory suddenly appeared in the middle of the cold leopard cold leopard!

At this time, two tones sounded at the same time. The first one came from Zhang Sanfeng, and the second one came from the news. If the sword has been cut, no one will stop it

It is conceivable that one person can send out the power of three people or even four or five people. It is also a great burden for Wudang Seven Heroes to control this sword array, but it is impossible to do whatever you want if you want to accept it.
Besides, they have already cut out dozens of sword lights, and they can’t take them back even if they want to.
Critical Qin Changfeng can activate the soft defense skills of the golden armor, and at the same time transfer the indestructible force department to the body surface to activate the active mask of the diamond protector to prepare for strong defense and hard resistance to the past.
The dense sword shadow is chopped. First, the protective mask of King Kong is active. After the indestructible force of King Kong gathers on the body surface, his body is instantly dyed with a faint golden light, which can reduce the damage by 2%.
Then there is the basic defense. When soft armor’s self-defense and soft defense skills make King Kong not bad, the extra increase in defense skills makes his armor instantly reach an unprecedented level of terror.
I heard the clanging metal collision in a moment, and Qin Changfeng was drowned like a humanoid bronze bell by the sword of Wudang Four Heroes.
Outsiders, he stood like a rock when Wudang Four Heroes attacked him. In fact, he is being attacked by a first-class martial arts expert at the moment!
No matter how strong the defense is, there is a limit. Qin Changfeng has also cultivated to the fifth floor.
Almost instantly, the golden light on Qin Changfeng’s body surface was chopped to pieces, and then blood appeared on his skin, and more blood flowed out of his mouth and nose. Although he failed to break his skin defense, the sword’s strength and force entered the body, killing his body quickly and shaking the government to form injuries, which caused great extra damage to him.
This is the frequency of Wudang Four Heroes’ attacks on stormy weather, which is restrained by the high armor, instead of all the forces, otherwise Qin Changfeng can’t carry a face-to-face meeting.
"It’s not really so unlucky to die in a fight, is it?"
Consciousness suddenly became a blur, Qin Changfeng felt a trace of death and was besieged by a first-class master. Don’t say that he even said that the cultivation of King Kong is not bad, and I am afraid it is also run here.
Of course, he doesn’t want to die, and he has to fight with others to have fun.
I also want to go to the moon to see if there is a moon palace and Chang ‘e, and I want to rush to the top of the test tower to see what the ultimate goal of training testers is, and I want to go back to the world of flying knives to see if the decade is over …
He still has too much unwilling to enter the trial tower as if he had entered an exhausted nightmare for others, but it was more like starting a second life for Qin Changfeng. From then on, he really found his own value and significance.
However, at this time, the blessing necklace and the elf boots are both made by the brain seal method for unknown reasons, and it seems that there is no other way out of the predicament.
In a crisis, I was extremely unwilling to be conscious, and my body was also induced to respond accordingly.
The original retreat, the indestructible true power suddenly broke out like a cross the rubicon, and fiercely fought back from the abdomen. It was like a seriously injured King Kong Luohan suddenly came back to light and expelled the Qi Department of Wudang. At the same time, the sixth floor of the indestructible magic formula naturally came to mind.
"If you read it, you will stop thinking. If you don’t read it, you will feel that everything is as good as a dream and a bubble is like dew …"
Suddenly there was a buzz in my mind. Qin Changfeng felt that some acupuncture points in the whole body were instantly opened, and the indestructible power of King Kong started a prairie fire as quickly as a single spark, which meant that he finally broke through the limit of the fifth floor and cultivated the indestructible magic power of King Kong to the sixth floor during life and death.
Every third floor is a step, especially for Qin Changfeng, because he can enlighten the auxiliary skills of King Kong’s indestructible magic!
The sixth floor of King Kong’s indestructible magic was not unexpected, and it gave him a second accessory skill named King Kong Lei Spine Aura!
Vajra, Thorn, Aura, Vajra, Immortality, Tier 6 Accessory Skill
Skill level exclusive (non-reinforcement)
Attribute says passive. This skill is born from the combination of thunder power and indestructible magic power in your talent. Because this skill will be attacked by all enemies who attack you every time, the additional attack range of indestructible power is 1 meter. At the same time, the thunder paralysis ability in your talent characteristics will have the same probability to be triggered by the counterattack of Vajra thorn!
Evaluation Remember that this is neither a defensive skill nor an offensive skill, nor an auxiliary skill, but a control skill, a control skill, a control skill! ! !
Qin Changfeng came in a daze to take a look at the skill introduction and fell into a coma because of his physical injury. In the past, this kind of deep consciousness coma was relieved even by the passive ability of King Kong’s protector.
But before the coma, he vaguely saw that Song Yuanqiao and Zhang Cuishan suddenly had a dull face and were obviously paralyzed on the spot
In the same rage, the three great monks of Shaolin took the opportunity to pounce and instantly beat the two of them to fly …
They were paralyzed as soon as they met each other, not because they were unlucky enough to trigger the 5%1% paralysis probability just once, but because their sword light for Qin Changfeng was composed of seven swords in succession, which means that after Qin Changfeng’s rebound aura skill was activated, they were judged less than five or six times, and it is not too outrageous that two of the four people were caught.
Of course, luck is still very big, but if Qin Changfeng is awake, he will laugh at it-luck is also a kind of strength!
No matter how tough this second accessory skill is, it has been revealed, but it is also reasonable. You should know that if you follow the normal six-layer indestructible magic, he is already the strong one among the testers at the captain level, and the strength of the testers at the same level is definitely stronger than the plot characters!

Is such a peerless arrogance among them?

This feeling is a little wonderful and unreal.
"You guys, I’m going to see Xiao Ning."
Just then, Su Mo said, "Say goodbye to all fuels and drift away."
Seeing that Su Mo had gone far, Feng Manman suddenly asked, "Can Xiao Yu tell the truth?"
"I don’t know"
Tang Yu smiled and shook his head.
After a while, the news that the poison gate was destroyed was covered up by the news that Daoshan Linghai disappeared.
Almost everyone in Xuantiancheng is discussing the identity of Brother Dao Huangcheng, and there are different opinions and speculations, but there is no accurate answer.
In many news, it was also said that a monk in blue got the contract.
The news may not be felt in other people’s ears.
But Tang Yu and others think of Su Mo when they hear the first time.
However, during this period, Su Mo couldn’t shut out Tang Yu and didn’t have a chance to prove it.
With the passage of time, the atmosphere in Xuan Tiancheng became more and more tense.
Recently, many strange faces have emerged in the city, and their strength is good.
The seal of Danchizong is about to dissipate!
Before that, all the major forces in Xuantiancheng were peaceful.
But once the seal is broken and the treasure is born, it will definitely lead to an earth-shattering bloody battle!
On this day, Danyang’s younger brother knocked on Su Mo’s door and asked him to go to the front hall.
Su Mo sat cross-legged on the bed and the blood quenching knife was placed horizontally in front of him. He spit out a long breath and opened his eyes. A pair of eyes were clear as water and looked calm.
Su Mo knew that Tang Yu would not bother him unless necessary.
Now knocking on his door is mostly the ruins of Danchi Sect.
Su Mo drifted down with the younger brother of Danyang and soon came to the front hall.
At this time, the front hall was full of people.
There are nearly a thousand people at a glance!
Su Mo finally realized what a big door is.
Before entering the ancient battlefield, it was said on Sunday that the strength of the Zhou Dynasty could send up to 50 monks.
But some top forces in the wild mainland can also send hundreds of monks into the ancient battlefield!
Danyang Gate ranks among the four side doors. Although it’s not good at fighting, it’s rich in information, and it’s even more powerful. Only by sitting in the seat can more than a thousand monks be sent in!
The gap is like cloud mud.
See Sue ink in Tang Yu nodded a greeting.
Behind Tang Yu Liang Bo unexpectedly also uncharacteristically took the initiative to smile at Su Mo.
Ji Chengtian and Xiao Ning have already arrived.
Suddenly Su Mo felt a subtle hostility and couldn’t help frowning slightly, turning his eyes and looking straight at the past.
Ten days ago, Su Mo slapped him severely and fainted.
In fact, Su Mo’s hand was merciful and the injury was not serious in Danyang Gate. Many panaceas were nursed back to health in a few days.
See Sue ink see severe hurriedly turned to avoid eyes eyes seems to be some dodge some fear.

Xiao pang stared at one of the skinny monks and gritted his teeth and said

Cold ghost smiled slightly. "Teacher younger brother, it’s really beyond my expectation that you can find this place first …"
Cold ghost (turn away smile shook his head. "But everything you do is in vain. I’m just making a wedding dress! It’s a little tender for you to argue! "
"Brother, the patriarch has a life. Whoever gets the yellow map will win. You have lost this competition with me!" Xiao pang Shen Dao
There was an exclamation in the crowd when they heard the words’ Yellow Earth’.
This famous device of shocking the Emperor has been following the Emperor of Ghost for many years, even if it falls into the realm, it is a rare treasure!
Even Xu Cheng, Situ Shi and Nie Hao all passed a crush in their eyes.
Leng Ming shook his head and his eyes were full of mockery. "Younger brother, you are still so naive that you didn’t sacrifice and refine your life. This yellow picture is the main object. I can naturally grab it!"
Chapter six hundred and ninety-nine Small role?
There’s a lot of noise here. There are already many monks coming here nearby
Master Stuart frowned slightly and said, "Solve this matter as soon as possible, and don’t be fooled by others!"
Leng Ming nodded and stared at Xiao Pang with faint eyes and said slowly, "Brother, don’t say that I don’t talk about the same family. I’ll give you two ways to choose!"
"The first way to hand over the yellow figure and all the treasures in the tomb, I will spare your life! The second way … "
"Needless to say!"
Cold ghost words were interrupted by Xiao Pang before they were finished.
Xiaopang clenched his fists and said slowly, "I will never give you the yellow map!" "
This is why he risked great danger to find it by his own business and gave it to Leng Ming!
"Good good!"
Leng Ming nodded, and a murderous cold road appeared in his eyes. "This is your own choice, so don’t blame me for being unkind!"
Xiao pang pulled out the flying sword from the bag with a firm face and no fear.
Leng Ming’s eyes rolled in Su Mo’s eyes, and others flashed thick mockery and sneered. "I have to say that you really grew up and know how to find help, which really impressed me."
"But these three or two people and some beasts are what you rely on?"
Hearing the word "beast", the eyes of monkeys and others reveal a trace of anger and cruelty.
Linghu’s face is murderous, and his face is not good. He stares at Leng Ming. Hey, hey, he laughs. "You’d better run quickly for a while, little bamboo pole. Don’t be caught by you, tiger, or else … Hum!"
Leng Ming chuckled and asked, "You won’t be naive to compete with me with such a few small roles, will you?"
"Small role?"
Xiao pang also laughed.
There are nine of them except monkey, linghu, qingqing, fox and golden lion. Which of the other four is a minor role?
He is the true brother of the tomb clan
Shi Jian is the puppet’s true brother.
Lin Xuanji is a member of Xuanji Palace!
Although Su Mo is a sect now, I’m afraid no one dares to say that he is a small role in this ancient battlefield!
Don’t say don’t just move out the words’ Su Mo’, I’m afraid it will scare a group of people to death!
"Why don’t you believe it?"
Leng Ming laughed. "In this case, before I die, let me introduce you well. A few real tianjiao in the wild mainland will make you die white!"
"This is Master Stuart, the true brother of the Cult-refining Sect."
Stuart looked at Shi Jian with cold eyes as if he were looking at a dead man.
Shi Jian whispered, "Give this person to me later!"
Lin Xuanji Trail: "Although this man has not cultivated the vision of then, his means are not weak, and the three-foot-high-profile corpse behind him has already evolved into a silver corpse."
There are several levels of corpse refining teaching. The lowest level is the weakest corpse, which will be easily chopped by sword, fire and water.
Followed by the iron body and then the copper body.
Normally, refining resin teaches then real people to manipulate copper resin.
A bronze corpse is a silver corpse!
Leng Ming pointed to another person and smiled leisurely. "This Taoist friend is a mixed-yuan Zong Niehao!"
"Mixed with Yuan Zong?"